March 30, 2016

Still Learning, Too by Susan Barclay

I'm with Lynn Simpson; I'm also still learning about the business side of writing. I've had modest publishing success to date and have a ways to go in developing my skills as a marketer, etc. One thing I do know is it's important to build a readership if you want to get anywhere.

I blogged about this last year, but this is the perfect time to bring it up again - the A-Z Blogging challenge, which is set every April. The brain child of Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out, the challenge is in its seventh year, with well over 1,600 participants. 

During the month you write 26 posts, each beginning with a different letter of the alphabet. April 1 is A, April 2 is B, etc. No posts on Sundays. You can write to a theme or about whatever comes to mind. You can plan your posts ahead of time or fly by the seat of your pants. The idea is to get your creative juices flowing, to visit other bloggers who are participating, and for new readers to come your way.

For fun, I googled "A-Z Blogging Challenge" along with "Business of Writing," and discovered that at least two authors have used A-Z to address the subject. Start here for the first of Helena Halme's series of posts, and here for the beginning of Carrie Butler's.

And if you'd like to sign up for this year's challenge, it's not too late. Type your details into the Linky you'll find here. 

Godspeed, fellow bloggers! 
Susan's website can be found @ 


  1. Thanks for this tip, Susan - as a beginner blogger, I can see this would be a challenge. Maybe not this year, but I'll keep it in mind!

  2. Sounds like fun. Good luck!

  3. I agree with Tracey. It does sound like fun!

  4. Enjoy the month. April is also poetry month so I'm doing a Poem-a-Day challenge...hopefully I can keep up with it.

  5. Like Marnie, I'm not ready for this blog challenge this year, but I wouldn't mind hearing about it again next year. :-)


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