March 22, 2016

My Joys and Challenges As God Opens Doors by Alan Anderson

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path" (Psalm 119;105 NIV). 

I know this is a rather brief blog post this month.  In spite of the brevity I trust that it is still up to the standards of our InScribe group. 

I’m not skilled enough in writing to give people advice or insight regarding “the business end of writing.”  Quite frankly, my life and that of my family, is consumed by challenges right now.  I have not taken time to keep up my blog for a while either. My concentration is not what I would like it to be.  I do, however, encourage anyone who has a passion to write to keep writing.  Write what you can as you can and love it.

Not too many months ago Sheila Webster, the editor of FellowScript magazine contacted me and asked me to write an article.  The topic was to focus on an ethical approach to human pain.  I entitled the article “An Ethical Approach to Human Pain and Writing”.  It was included in the Nov. 2015 edition of the magazine.

I mention the opportunity of writing an article not to brag but to thank God and Sheila for the opportunity.  To me, it came out of the blue so to speak.  It is the first time I have been published. It is a door God opened! My hope is that an experience like this would encourage other people not to give up!  Keep working away at your writing.  Gather the words that you love and that love you to see what a gift your writing will be to others.

At this juncture in my life I am plugging away at my writing.  Words I love are coming together to help produce something meaningful I hope and pray will bless others.  My work and a ministry I am directing at my church for grieving people are taking a lot of my emotional energy.  Our family also needs my wife and I at this time.  The wonderful thing is words still find their way on to a page reminding me that I am a writer.  The words have not forgotten me and bring me comfort!

Dear InScribe friends, I pray you will continue to bless each other and your readers.  You are a blessing to me and I thank God for you!



  1. Thanks for this, Alan. It contains such humility yet encouragement. God has called you (and each of us at Inscribe, I believe) to be writers. It's not so much about the accolades, the recognition, or even the word count. It's about obedience. Blessings as you continue to write amidst the challenges of life.

    1. Thank you Tracy! I enjoy being in such a great company of great writers.

  2. Thanks for your encouraging words, Alan. As I read your blog, I thought of Jesus' business--as a twelve-year-old, he told his parents, "I must be about my Father's business." And isn't that what we're called to do, including in the midst of challenges.

    1. You are right Sandra and I thank you for the reminder.

  3. It really is as God opens the doors and not ourselves, even though we are still called to be responsible when He does open them. I am glad you were given the opportunity to write an article about the ethics of Human Pain & Writing as it is something you have a lot to say about and needs to be heard. Many blessings as you continue serving to help those in need and continue with your writing Alan. I look forward to reading anything that you write.

    1. Thank you Gloria for the encouragement. It is wonderful to know people enjoy my writing.

    2. Thanks so much for your honesty, Alan. it's wonderful when God opens doors for us and even better when we recognize it.

  4. I appreciated your article in FellowScript, Allan. May God continue to guide you in life and may He encourage you in your writing.

  5. What comes to mind when I read your post, Alan, is the verse, "28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good,[a] for those who are called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28) My prayer is that you may continue to trust God with the challenges, and that you will allow him to renew your strength and lift you up on eagles' wings.


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