March 07, 2016

Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing--Ramona Heikel

My approach to the business end of writing is to try to keep the main thing the main thing. And the main thing is writing: creating, encouraging, educating, inspiring.

I also have a priority on keeping as serene and orderly a life as possible, so I can keep my spiritual goals in focus. If I can't hear God, then what I write probably isn't going to accomplish what he wants.

I have been tempted for years to self-publish a book. But from all I've heard and researched about the time involved, I've decided I still don't have enough of it. So I am restricting myself to considering traditional publishers only, which to me is more manageable.  Harder to break into? Absolutely.  But this is where my faith has to come into play. (A littlle more on this at the end.)

This actually simplifies things quite a bit, and leaves very manageable business activities to take care of, mainly marketing and taxes.

Although I don't mind finding markets for my writing , because I love to research, I do get frustrated at having to keep an eye on this constantly moving target of changing publishers and guidelines.  And I don't like all the time that it takes to prepare a submission, especially if I have to send it snail mail.

I actually enjoy the other business activities, like the writing part of my tax return. I love any excuse to play with numbers and spreadsheets!  I share some tips in my previous post 7 Tips for Organizing your Writing Business.

As I am always hoping to make writing a bigger part of my life, I do look for practical advice for writers hoping to have a steady income, so I can balance my dreams with reality. Here are a couple of articles that I read recently that I found very helpful on the topic of being a full-time writer, and all that that entails from a business perspective: "The Business of Writing: Turn Your Income Stream Into A River", and "The Business End of Writing".

I look forward to getting all of your insights on the writing business!  And I will close with a few lines from Violet Nesdoly's inspiring article, "Of Trumpets, Platforms and Networks", which appeared in the August 2014 issue of Fellowscript. (Thank you, Violet!)

"Have you ever wondered where Jesus and his into the publicity work you need to do? ...Our writing either fills a need...or it doesn't.  I believe that writing that fills a need will eventually gather a platform unto itself...If ours is a message the world needs to hear, He has supernatural ways to grow our network, and get that message out at the right time. "

Posted by Ramona


  1. Anonymous6:10 am GMT-7

    "He has supernatural ways to grow our network, and get that message out at the right time. " Really like this quote as it does keep God in the centre of our writing, and helps cease the striving. Thank you for the links to the articles too!

  2. I appreciate the practical and inspiring links you included, as well as your own wise words and that of Violet. Blessings as you continue to 'do the research'.

  3. Thanks, Ramona, for your experience and advice--it is so helpful. And thanks for adding links to your other business-related blog posts. I agree that while we have to work at our platform and getting the word out, if we trust God, He will grow our network--thanks for including Violet's quote!

  4. So much excellent information, Ramona. Thanks. And I like the final quote. I pray that my focus remains to share a message that God has placed on my heart and that the world needs to hear.

  5. Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing. I'm going to pin that up on my wall across from my computer. Thanks Ramona.

  6. Thanks for your informative article, Ramona. I went back to your post a few times to absorb all you are saying. I clicked on your previous blogpost, "7 Tips . . . " and the other links you provided. One of your take-away reminders for me is to go back to consistently recording the writing work I do each day. I also appreciate your closing quote from Violet Nesdoly's 2014 article about trusting God to expand our influence.

    I realized that in my post on the 10th, I unintentionally borrowed your phrase, "the main thing." Sorry. Perhaps that also bears repetition. Blessings.

  7. Thank you dear people, I am so glad if I can share something that helps. Sharon, borrow away without apology! What a compliment!


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