March 25, 2016

Living the Dream! By Vickie Stam

Yes, I have been asked over and over "Have you started that book yet?" My answer has always been, "Not yet." But that's not entirely true. I have penned a number of stories/chapters of my own life's journey and I dream about writing a memoir.     

Getting published is the next step. Possibly a challenge. I have to be honest and say that I don't have a clue how to go about it. I'm not business savvy. I don't know the right people. I don't have any connections right now. There's some definite hurdles. But I can do the homework, the research. I can surf the 'google master' for answers to some of those mind boggling questions. "Where do I find a publisher? Who do I submit my manuscript to? Should I self-publish?" 

I would need to craft a query letter; something I know the publisher would view as my first sample of writing. I would have to brush up on that skill for sure. Cover letters have not been part of my writing experience so far. Having a mentor might even prove a valuable asset! There is much to think about. 

As for earning a living as a writer, the few short articles I've submitted to a magazine have netted me less than the average person would earn in a day. Still, I have entered some writing competitions that would net me something a little more substantial if I were to take home the first prize. Another dream! But I'd still be living like a pauper. The tax man can't count on me yet.

Even something like a contest demands a large amount of my time. I have to research potential sources who are accepting submissions. I have to read their guidelines and write the story. Sometimes just submitting my work is a challenge because I'm not computer savvy either. Another learning curve.

Still, I enjoy the competitions. Keeping my word count to a smaller scale helps me stay focused and on track. The conclusion comes much quicker than that of a book. When I'm finished writing, I submit my short story and let it go. Being able to let go is huge for me. Once it's gone, I can no longer edit it to death. Part of my dream has come to fruition and now all that's left to do is wait. In three to six months I'll have my answer. Win or lose success comes when I keep writing. 

I feel a freedom in writing on a smaller scale. It most certainly will not net that big paycheck -- if any at all. For me, that's okay. I'm not writing for the money. So you could say that I haven't really put much thought into the business side of writing, nor have I had to claim any income or expenses from it. 

At this point it's a simply a form of healing as well as pleasure. The fact that God breathed this wonderful gift into my life tells me He has a plan for me. There's more to come.        

Everything begins with a dream. Whether it's too win that writing competition or to write that book. I'm living the dream!  


  1. Except... you do have connections and you do know the right people. It's all of us here at Inscribe. :) Being part of this wonderful organization and contributing monthly to this blog is a great first step.

    1. So true, Tracy. I've learned a lot from this family of writers. Thanks so much for your encouragement!

  2. "The fact that God breathed this wonderful gift into my life tells me He has a plan for me." Oh, yes, God has a plan for you, and I look forward to reading all about it! Thanks for sharing with us.

    1. Thanks Marnie. I know God has a plan for me. Inscribe was part of God's plan for me.

  3. "Everything begins with a dream." Thank-you for this encouraging post. I too could say "I am living the dream," and I need to realize that more fully. It is not about the money. I would encourage you to continue your work on the memoir.

  4. So nice to meet another memoir writer. I will confess to have been working on mine for over ten years!!! Memoir is a big task and takes healing as one goes. I too struggle in the business side of writing and putting my stuff out there. But there is always hope as your blog points out. Thanks Vickie :)

  5. I love your perspective Vickie--"Everything begins with a dream...I'm living the dream!" May you, may we all, maintain that attitude.

  6. I agree with what Tracy says about InScribe being a resourceful organization to be part of. Are you on the ListServe, Vickie? I find many of the discussions there to be helpful, and that's where you can put out your own questions too. Have you been able to attend any of InScribe's Fall Conferences or WorDshops? At these events you can choose sessions that will answer your questions and you can network with other writers.

    Keep up the smart steps you are making with your blog, contest submissions, and so on.


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