April 29, 2021

Get Ready for an InScribe Zoom-In! Contests Tutorial

Have you always wanted to enter one of InScribe’s writing contests but weren’t quite sure:

  • What to submit?
  • How to submit?
  • If your writing is good enough?
  • What exactly the judges look for?
  • If you could handle the critique?
All these questions and more are about to be answered.
Mark your calendars for the InScribe Zoom-In: Contests Tutorial.
When: May 15, 10 – 11:15 a.m. MST
Where: the comfort of your own home, via Zoom
What:  the Zoom-In will include:
  1. How to Prepare for a Contest – a tutorial
  2. Ask a Judge – a panel of judges who will answer questions and demonstrate what their job entails
  3. Q & A.

To register for this event, please send an email to contests@inscribe.org with Contests Tutorial in the subject line. Include your name and email address so we can send you the Zoom invitation link. We will take registrations until May 13 at noon MST.
Get your questions ready and see you on May 15!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure this will be fun and informative. Thanks to all who put it together!


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