November 01, 2019

Remembering and Celebrating by Sandi Somers

According to our Blog Archives, November 7 marks the thirteenth anniversary of InScribe Writers’ Online.  The first blogs in 2006 included book reviews, short stories, essays, devotionals, tributes, and poetry. Marcia Laycock even included the opening scene of her novel-in-progress, One Smooth Stone. (You can review some of the blogs here.) 

This month we celebrate our progress. We also celebrate God’s faithfulness in our lives and/or writing, using this verse as a prompt: “…you shall remember the whole way that the Lord your God has led you” (Deuteronomy 8:2 ESV).
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(Free Bible Images)
My thoughts on celebrating began recently when a friend told me about his Bible study with a group of young teens and pre-teens. After discussing how King David danced as he celebrated the Ark of the Covenant coming home to Jerusalem (2 Samuel 6:6-19), my friend asked his participants, “What do you celebrate?” Most celebrated their success at school.
“Anything else?” he asked.
They didn’t have much to answer until one teen said, “Celebrating is different from being thankful.” They learned that it takes more thought to celebrate than it does to give thanks.
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Recently my devotions focused on the desert wanderings of the Israelites. There was a repeated theme: God miraculously provided for them to encourage their faith. However, instead of remembering and celebrating, they complained and rebelled at each step of the way until God brought permanent judgment.
Forty years later, with the younger generation on the cusp of reaching the promised land, Moses encouraged his followers, “Remember how the Lord your God led you” (Deuteronomy 8:2, NLT). Moses was reminding the people to focus on God in leading and sustaining them.
Remembering is important because it is easy to miss God and His significant gifts. 
 So for me to remember, I listed major events in my writing journey My list pointed out God’s many gifts along the way and how He spoke to me. I share some of them with you.
The gift of His purpose. How often I’m drawn to God’s words to Jeremiah, “I am your Creator, and before you were born, I chose you to speak for me” (1:5 CEV). God has chosen us as writers to speak for Him in the genres of our abilities.
The gift of seed desires to write. When I think of the verse, “He shall give you the desires of your heart,” (Psalm 37:4) I know that He not only gives us desires, He also planted those desires in us in the first place.
The gift of creativity. I think of how God used Brenda Ueland, in her little book If You Want to Write, to expand my creativity. She exudes tenderness and warmth as she encouraged, “You are talented, and you are original…This creative power and imagination is in everyone, and so is the need to express it.”
The gift of practice and breakthroughs in confidence in my writing skills. I noticed specific times when God gave me beautiful breakthroughs—writing became more fluid, I took the next step of faith, and opportunities opened up to me.
The gift of wisdom in knowing which desired projects to leave and which to pursue. We all have unfinished projects in our computer files. I’ve discovered some are unworkable and need to be set aside, while I need to work on others, revise and polish, and submit for publication.
The gift of His presence, especially when we struggle with doubt or uncertainty. Once when I was groping for a solution to a difficult issue, God spoke to me: "I am with you in your struggles." How He lifted my faith through this encouragement!
The gift of His prompting, along with His promises. These two often go together. When He asks us to take steps of faith into the unknown, He promises at the same time to be with us and give us strength. I’m reminded so often of how God commanded and promised Joshua: “I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you…Be strong and courageous” (Joshua 1:5, 9 NIV).
I next asked: “How can I celebrate how God has led me?” Whereas thanking God often means speaking or praying our thanks, celebrating is a conscious action. Ideas gradually came to mind:

Buy roses or other flowers and design my own arrangement
Write an ode to God for specific ways He has led me
Take photos of God’s beautiful creation

Enjoy art works of the masters   
I also decided to borrow ideas from Nina Faye Morey and Susan Barclay who earlier this year wrote on the importance of celebrating each day’s writing successes. (Be sure to read their articles here and here!)
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And now, how about you? How has God led/is leading you? How can you celebrate? Be creative…


  1. I like the idea of a beautiful flower arrangement. I also checked out Nina and Susan's posts and they do indeed have some great suggestions. Thanks again for getting us off on the right foot this month, Sandi!

    1. Thanks, Tracy. I'm a bit late in responding, but I'm already reading some great perspectives, adding to what Nina and Susan wrote. A number of ideas for me to celebrate involve the arts, and floral arrangements are high on my priority list.

  2. Hi Sandi! Thank you for this introductory post for our theme this month. In reading your list of gifts from God, there is indeed a lot to be thankful for and celebrate. I appreciate the thought you have put into this theme.

    1. Thanks, Alan, I look forward to the thoughts you will add to our theme.

  3. As a new member of this writing community,I found your post encouraging, Sandi. I have never deliberately chronicled my writing history, but it may be a useful thing to do, to see how God has led me and to celebrate my unique writing successes. Thank you!

    1. It's wonderful to have you on board, Valerie. I hope you can continue to write regularly! You have so much to offer.

  4. I love not only the spiritual truth you share, Sandi, but also the practical and specific ways our Lord has shown you that it can be applied. Linking it to the insights of other writers makes it even richer. Your post is a real help and encouragement!

    1. Thanks for your response, Diane. Application and celebratory action is so important to honour God.

  5. What a beautiful way to celebrate--by adding God's rose creations to your home. So often we can focus on what we haven't done, yet God's creation is all around us to help us celebrate with His gifts to us! Thank you for that reminder today!

    1. Thanks Lynn. Your comment is so true: "So often we can focus on what we haven't done," rather than God's gifts to us. God has been reminding me from many perspectives to focus on HIM, not our difficulties or our lacks.

  6. Thanks for the nod, Sandi, and for reminding me of what I shared in my own post, LOL! I like how you've approached this month's theme, even wrapping it up with a ribbon and bow. Thanks for the reading suggestion also, I've added Brenda Ueland's book to my list!

  7. Thanks Susan, I hope you enjoy Brenda Ueland's little book. It's filled with wisdom and tenderness towards our creative effort.


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