November 17, 2019

Celebrating! by Lynn Dove

"Remember how the Lord your God led you all the way in the wilderness these forty years, to humble and test you in order to know what was in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commands."  Deuteronomy 8:2

On June 2nd of this year, my husband and I celebrated our fortieth wedding anniversary.  It was not the celebration we had planned.  Rather than going on a cruise in the Mediteranean, I was preparing for my first round of chemotherapy to happen towards the end of that month.  I was still recovering from surgery, and so our anniversary was, to say the least, low-key. Still, we spent much of the day reminiscing about the last forty years.  The ups, the downs, our hopes and dreams then, and throughout the years together, to contemplating the future with my cancer diagnosis taking center stage in our thoughts and prayers.  We talked about how God had clearly guided us throughout our marriage, and how we trusted He would continue to lead and guide us, as we navigated this new storm of life.  It was tough to see past the turmoil there in June to the calmer waters I'm experiencing today.  It was a tough journey these many months, but I'm on the other side of chemo treatments now.  I'm still going through radiation treatments, but I'm okay, AND I'm cancer-free!

It's good to look back, not just every forty years, but every month, week or even at the end of a challenging day, to remember how God has guided and tested us and then give thanks for all He has done.  Have we been faithful to keep His commands no matter our circumstances? 

This month's InScribe challenge celebrates faith and/or writing, and how has our faith and/or writing changed over time.  In my particular case, it is impossible to separate my writing from my faith journey over time, and particularly over these past many months.  It has been cathartic for me to write about my cancer experience.  God has definitely used my cancer experience to encourage others, and I have been encouraged as well by the countless many who have prayed me through it. 

My writing has always been influenced by my walk with God.  I suppose my blog exemplifies that journey walk.  I started blogging nearly ten years ago, and my blog has gone from a marketing promotional tool, to help sell my books, to a full-fledged ministry that focuses on sharing my faith and my personal faith walk with God.  I don't know how I could have gone through this last experience with cancer without God or my writing.  Writing has been an integral part of my healing process.  Writing about God's provision for me, His watch care over me, the countless ways He has ministered (and continues to minister) to me, has allowed me to give testimony and give thanks for His activity always around me.  I want to look back often, re-read my posts, and be able to recount where I've been, to where I am now, to where I will be a year from now.  Have I been faithful to keep His commands?  Have I remembered to give thanks in all circumstances?  Has my writing progressed not only in style, polish and content, but also continues to be an outward expression of my growing faith walk with the Lord?

I sincerely hope so, and I hope to check back in a year to give account.

 Lynn Dove is the award-winning author, of the YA “Wounded Trilogy”- a contemporary Christian fiction series with coming-of-age themes.  A wife, mom, grandmother, and free-lance writer with articles published in several magazines and anthologies including Chicken Soup for the Soul books, her blog, “Journey Thoughts” is a Canadian Christian Writing Award winner.  Readers may connect with her on Facebook, Twitter, and at   


  1. It is wonderful to know you are on the 'up-swing' in this journey, Lynn. You are an inspiration to many! God bless.

  2. If I’m counting correctly, Lynn, this would be the fortieth year of marriage for you and your husband and it seems God has led you all the way. As challenging as this year has been for both of you, I would say you’ve been faithful to your call. According to what I’ve read from you recently, I believe the answer would be a strong “Yes!” to the questions you ask at the end of your blog. May you continue to lean on God as your strength and your song.

  3. Praise God for a clean bill of health! I like your encouraging words about looking back even at the end of a challenging day - recognizing how God guides us and giving thanks through it all.

  4. Thanks for sharing such a sensitive portrayal of your cancer journey over the last months. It was inspiring to me to read: "Writing has been an integral part of my healing process. Writing about God's provision for me, His watch care over me, the countless ways He has ministered (and continues to minister) to me, has allowed me to give testimony and give thanks for His activity always around me." You've expressed it so well! God's best in your journey, and as you look back on this season.


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