November 24, 2019

New Trails - Shirley S. Tye

“He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.” Psalm 23:3

When I set out into the world of writing, I had no idea where it would lead.  Oh, I had dreams; grandiose dreams; my name world renown. Ha!  Although much of my writing is published, I’m far from being known even in my hometown. What did I set out to write and why?  Who knows?  Who cares? Ah, but the Lord knows and cares!  Oh, He certainly does!  He took hold of my pen and guided my hand.  And off I went down new trails, gladly trotting along with Jesus. 

My writing journey has been exciting and wonderful.  I’ve met published writers, journalists, broadcasters, and actors.  While working as a freelance writer for a magazine, I interviewed business people, artists, and politicians. My story ministry was in demand.  Various groups wanted to hear my stories that illustrated life lessons; some stories were humorous.  Although my story ministry is no longer active, I am still asked by groups to speak and tell my stories.

The Lord gave me the love of words.  And He put that interest to good use; to encourage others.  As I have encouraged others, they have encouraged me.  What a gift God gave me!  He knew what I needed. Interesting how His gift circulates; from me to others and back again.   

On my writing journey I have learned and experienced much.  But more importantly, my faith has deepened.  Whenever I thought I couldn’t do something or felt afraid, God strengthened and calmed me so that I could complete the task.  This past summer, at a ladies’ retreat we were asked to tell a story or joke or do a skit or sing a song for the Saturday evening fun time. Many gladly participated; singing, reading poetry or short jokes, etcetera.  I decided to play my guitar as I read a poem at the end of which I sang a chorus from a song that suited the poem.  Both the chorus and the poem fit the retreat’s theme.  I thought it was a great idea until that Saturday evening.  I wondered what on earth possessed me to think I could sing.  I hadn’t sung or played my guitar for a group in nine years.  I was terrified!  But God said; “Just play for Me as you do at home.” And so, I did.  Before I began, I whispered; “This is for you, Lord.” I was surprised at how many came to tell me how much they enjoyed the poem, singing, and guitar music.  In fact, I was invited to play it again at one of the evening services at the camp so that others could hear it.  And again, I was surprised by the many compliments and encouraging words to keep playing; “we want to hear more”.  

It is true that if God calls us to do something, He’ll provide all we need to complete the task.  I’ve enjoyed this journey and no doubt there are still many wonderful things to experience.  There are more new trails to explore and I’ve got the best guide; my Saviour, my Lord Jesus!


  1. "... if God calls us to do something, He’ll provide all we need to complete the task." Amen to that Shirley!

  2. Amen! God provides. Thanks for being obedient to His promptings too!

  3. “New Trails" really resonates with me, Shirley. I don’t play the guitar, but I love to sing, so I still help with music at church when I can. The Lord gave me the love of words, writing and music. I write to sort things out, to pray, and also to share my thoughts and encourage others. I adhere to the words of St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo: “He who sings prays twice."

    Your last paragraph sums up nicely what I feel about writing at this stage--at any stage of my life. Tracy mentioned the first part of this. I’d like to reiterate the last part: "I’ve enjoyed this journey and no doubt there are still many wonderful things to experience. There are more new trails to explore and I’ve got the best guide; my Saviour, my Lord Jesus!” Well said, Shirley!

  4. Wonderful times! And God has impressed His love on you all the way through your writing journey. Many more happy trails!

  5. Thanks, Shirley, for sharing your journey with us. Your words have left impressions on us. In addition to what others have commented on, I add another of your great sentences: "Whenever I thought I couldn’t do something or felt afraid, God strengthened and calmed me so that I could complete the task." God does indeed strengthen us when we need courage.

  6. A joyful piece with a lovely touch of humour. Thank you, Shirley.


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