November 13, 2019

Here’s Why You May Want to Dip Your Quill in Tears by Wendy L. Macdonald

I’m excited to share why you may want to dip your quill in tears. But first, I want to share a bit about how I discovered this poignant ink.

It’s not just my writing that has changed since I’ve become more intentional about spending regular time writing: I’ve changed. Ever since I began my recovery journey from eating disorders (over 36 year ago), I’ve regularly written in my private journals. This was instrumental in uncovering the reasons behind my disordered eating, and helping me identify triggers I needed to be wary of.
Writing makes writers more mindful of what’s going on in and around them. It helps them tap into strengths and notice when, where, and how they may need help.

One of the changes to my writing has been the increase in my level of vulnerability. Years ago, I realized how much I appreciated it when someone bravely shared her thoughts about things she feared; it made me feel less alone. I literally hugged her and thanked her for saying something I would have been too embarrassed to say aloud.

Now, I like to help others know they’re not the only ones who feel a certain way. I like to be brave with words. 

One way I discovered how to uncover vulnerable topics to write about is to dip my quill in tears—or in other words—tap in to tears. If something makes me tear up, I know there’s at least three hundred words available to squeeze out of each teardrop. I learnt more about myself and human nature when I did this. I learnt what the Holy Spirit was whispering for me to notice too.

It’s been the most rewarding writing I’ve ever done.

Tears are taps on the shoulder telling us to pay attention to what just transpired.

I’ve written about this before, because I never cease to be amazed at the volume of wisdom and knowledge condensed in each teardrop. Perhaps that’s why God collects them? Maybe we will be enlightened on the other side when He spills the vials so that we may know what we missed when we didn’t tap into them on this side of heaven?

I’m nosy-to-know if you ever dip your quill in tears?

Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


  1. Heart tugging post Wendy! Perhaps that's why God collects (tears). Gosh, I hadn't thought of it this way before. I know God wants us to have soft hearts, and tears do do that. Thank you for also encouraging vulnerability in our writing. Still working on that!

    1. Thank you, dear Lynn. One nice thing about writing is we can keep our work hidden in a draft box until we're ready to launch a vulnerable piece of writing. I have several blog posts still waiting for my readiness and for the right timing.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Poignant as ever, Wendy. thank you for being vulnerable so that others may feel the freedom to do so as well.

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. Freedom is a wonderful word; it's a fabulous way to wield words too. Here's to freedom in Christ to live out His will in our writing.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Thanks for showing us the real you. It is definitely comforting to know that we're not alone in our trials. Tears are the very thing that help us release our pain. I'm reminded of the song, "I Have This Hope" - Did I cry these tears in vain?

    1. Thank you, dear Vickie. Amen to tears helping us release our pain. Tears also help transform hard places in to redemption stories too.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  4. I remember the two of us sharing tear-filled prayers in your little cottage in Black Creek, Wendy. God beautifully answered many of those prayers and now uses the writerly fruit of the tears to bless and encourage others. Well done, friend!

    1. Thank you, dear Valerie, for those special times we had over tea and prayers.
      I've written a memoir manuscript covering those cottage years and my journey with infertility. When I finally get around to editing it some more, I must include the verse you wrote out for me on a card. I brought it with me to the hospital when I went for tests back then. xo
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  5. Wendy,
    I so enjoy your posts and appreciate your vulnerability. Thanks for sharing about tapping into tears. I was reminded of this post ( I read not long ago about the different types of tears...isn't God amazing???

    1. Wow, dear Ruth, thank you for sharing the link. Yes, God is amazing. :)
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  6. Beautiful thoughts beautifully written, Wendy. I can learn from what you are saying. This reminded me of a quote from Robert Frost. “No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader.” This is poignant but true. We can meet on the written page in our place of vulnerability. Thanks.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. That's the perfect quote for this post. And I love these words of yours: "We can meet on the written page in our place of vulnerability." :) Yes!
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  7. Thanks for sharing your journey into vulnerability in such a beautiful way. I too am on that journey and discovering how sharing our own struggles and foibles takes courage. And like you, I find it so helpful when others share their stories of vulnerability.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words regarding the vulnerability journey, dear Sandi.
      It gets easier. And then, it gets harder again when we uncover more messiness God wants us to fess up about.
      But sowing tears of the soul are worth their weight in gold.
      Blessings on your journey of courageous writing ~ Wendy Mac


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