September 01, 2019

Embracing Your Life’s Season(s) by Sandi Somers

“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1 NLT
by Love Institute

This month’s topic has been interesting, as my thoughts have shifted from one way of looking at seasons to another.
As a former teacher, September meant a new teaching year for me, a new term, a new cycle of learning. On the home front, late summer and fall means picking my apples and harvesting my vegetables.
These two themes—a new season and reaping what the previous season has produced—have become metaphors for what autumn means in my life.
A new season of personal growth
I’ve noticed over the years that God has given me what I call “three-month” seasons, new “semesters” of learning. Often these cycles begin with a challenge or a change of focus in an ongoing process of challenge, such as a difficult relationship issue. Or an area of character development as a Christ-follower. Or an area to take courage and trust Him. As I walk through the unknowns, He wants me to take one step at a time, one experience at a time. Sometimes I'm not sure what God wants to accomplish in me and in others, but often it’s only in retrospect that I see God's resolution and I hear His "Well done, good and faithful servant."
A new season of ministry
God is surprising me in this season with new leadership and ministries.
One example came recently when I visited my cousin Gene in the hospital. Just as I entered the foyer, I unexpectedly met a neighbour, Lanny, and her two young daughters. Through her tears, she told me her father had just had a massive heart attack and wasn’t expected to live. (He died several days later). I was filled with awe and wonder at how God had arranged my meeting with Lanny at just the right moment.
Afterwards, I asked God to strategically give me more Divine encounters, where I could provide comfort, support, healing, or prayer for others—whatever they needed. I knew He was already doing this, but I want to open my life in a greater way to see God heal, encourage and support others.
A season of maturity 
Over my life I have gathered wide experiences with their challenges in forming my character, attitudes, relationships and spiritual life. Many of these experiences are bearing fruit now in my senior years—and will. I know that some of my most important life's work is yet to come. And I am not alone. Jack Popjes, one of our InScribers, wrote that his ministry path has widened, not narrowed in his senior years. My life purposes will continue as long as God wants me to live.
A season of asking Jesus for my future needs
Jesus heals Bartimaeus 
This month’s theme asked us to consider our current season in life and ponder the question Jesus asked Bartimaeus, “What do you want Me to do for you?” (A prompt suggested by Sharon Espeseth. Read her blog here
So through all these seasons I’m asking Jesus to deepen my faith and relationship with Him.

To maintain a positive and cheerful attitude as energies decline and when health issues arise.
To support, mentor and encourage the younger generations in my family and others.
To use my talents and abilities as long as I can, and this includes writing. My Mom and a neighbour were inspirations for me in this area. Mom prepared food for the Mustard Seed Street Ministry until she was ninety-two. Mabel prayed faithfully for her family until she passed away at 102.
To finish well.
To leave a legacy of faith and inspiration.

~ ~ ~
As I write this blog post, I know that God has a divine purpose for us in all of our seasons.
How would you describe your season(s) at this time? Is it a pleasant gift or are your difficulties gifts in disguise? What do you want Jesus to do for you? In turn, what is He asking you to do?
Whatever your season, God is urging you to launch out with His daily strength and direction. 

Now may the God of peace…equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever!” (Hebrews 13:20-21 NLT).


  1. I completely 'get' your double metaphor, Sandi. As a teacher, September has been the month of new beginnings for me as well, but as you said, it's also time to look after the harvest. (As someone originally from Sask. this is very relevant to me, also.) I am looking forward to this month's posts. God bless.

    1. Thanks Tracy. This month's blogs are already showing us how different people view their current seasons.

  2. Sandi, lovely post. You've got us off to a great start. I'm looking forward to this month's contributions from our writers.

    1. Thanks Brenda, for your affirmation. This month's topic already has broadened my thoughts as to how to view seasons of my life.

  3. Thanks again for starting this month's seasonal posts well ... I connected with the thought that "often it’s only in retrospect that I see God's resolution" and also with the question Jesus asks Bartimeus. This is a season of Harvest for many of us ... I too wonder what that looks like for others.

    1. Thanks, Jocelyn. I've often thought of the "retrospect" part of our journeys. God asks us to go forward one step at a time. "We walk by faith, not by sight." If we walked by sight, we wouldn't need faith.

  4. Thank you, dear Sandi, for breaking trail so beautifully for us. I was also touched by your words about retrospect. When we look back, our hope for today and tomorrow is renewed because we're reminded of how God helped us make sense of where we've already been.
    Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

    1. Isn't it wonderful that God helps us make sense of where we've been?

  5. This is beautiful, Sandi, the way you open yourself up to people’s needs and even offer yourself to receive more such opportunities as God sees fit. “If just a cup of water, I place within your hand, then just a cup of water is all that I demand. . . Often we have no idea what the people around us are going through, how much they are hurting, and what there is experience is. But God knows and he needs us at his service. May God continue to bless you and guide you.

    1. Thank you Sharon, for these thoughts, especially your words, "Often we have no idea what the people around us are going through, how much they are hurting, and what their experience is."

      Just this morning as I was praying for my cousin Gene in the hospital, I thought that God knows what scripture and encouragement he needs, and I asked God to give me the Scripture words of encouragement. He is faithful and will do it.

  6. Sandi,
    Thanks for sharing what God is doing in your life and heart. May you continue to be sensitive to God's direction. Thanks for being a blessing to me :)

  7. Thanks, Ruth. You were such an encouragement when I launched into becoming secretary of InScribe. May God bless your new endeavours and the doors He has opened for you.


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