September 13, 2019

What Were You Thinking? by Wendy L. Macdonald

     What were You thinking, God? This describes how I’ve been feeling about much of my life over the last twenty-four months. Recently, I asked God, “Are You just going to stand by and let this happen?”

     Thankfully, I’ve also learned to trust God deeper as I walk through the deep over and over again.

      Details of what I’m wading through don’t matter because the unspoken stories often speak the loudest when they’re not spelled out. The anonymous thorn in the flesh is more relatable and less distracting to the reader.

      It’s the cure—not the cause—most sufferers are concerned about. Who cares how we got here when what we crave is escape.

     I confess, I crave a cure for what ails. But God is asking me to seek the tonic of His Presence first. He’s also been coaxing me to share what I’ve learned. He wants me to use a universal voice that points to Him—not to me.

     He doesn’t want me to cause anyone to stumble. He desires my words to serve as a ladder that draws the reader’s attention to the tallness of God’s Truth. Hope isn’t found in my story; hope is found in the One who directs and edits our stories. He has plans to write a prosperous ending.

     So even though our lives might suck like slugs at times, He is able to redeem us so that He is glorified immeasurably more than He would have been if everything had gone as slick as suntan lotion by Lake Serenity.

     And speaking of serenity, here some thoughts I wrote down while picnicking at the beach on Labour Day:

  1. If we’re craving anything more than we crave closeness with Christ, we’re committing idolatry with our lives.
  2. Much of a heron’s success is found in the fruit of stillness.
  3. God may seem silent, but He’s never still; in His silence the genealogy of our Rescue is grown. (In the hundreds of years of silence after God’s people were displaced, God continued to grow Christ’s genealogy all the way to His birthplace.)
  4. We can’t see where we’ll be in a few years, but the Overseer will wipe away our tears.
  5. Diminished independence isn’t a damnation if it increases our dependency on God.
  6. Without peacemaking, there is no peace.
...God is a merciful God;
 he will not abandon or destroy you... 
Deuteronomy 4:31 NIV 

I don’t know if any of these speak to you; if one does, I’m nosy-to-know which one it is?

     Blessings as we write in the stillness of His silence ~ Wendy Mac

     P.S. You're invited to visit my main blog here: Wendy L. Macdonald


  1. ALL of these thoughts resonate! I did really like the heron one especially since you also gave us a picture! I pray for God's peace as you continue to walk with Him in stillness and joy.

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. This is the testiest season I've ever walked through--by far. Knowing you know about life's "dangers and toils" helps me know your prayer is sincere.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  2. Sister Wendy; I just did a study about a week ago, inspired by a picture a close Sister in Christ from Australia posted. I had taught on the Scripture that was a part of the pic many times, but the Holy Spirit gave me a different perspective this time: Ephesians 6:13-14a, "Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, . . ."
    We have always taught and always been taught that the Armor of God is for fighting the Battle. Yes, in some aspects it is, but reread the Scripture: Take up Who's Armor? Yours? No, God's Armor. Take it up and when you HAVE done all, then STAND!! STAND THEEREFORE---- Just like the Heron waiting patiently for the right time. We CAN stand in God's Armor because the Battle IS God's. We just have to stand and WITHSTAND the onslaught of the enemy and let God do the work!!

    Just something to think about and to confirm this article you wrote! God bless and prayers always!

    1. Thank you, Pastor Roland. Your words are wise and they confirm the command
      to "Be still" that I keep hearing. I'm not good at being still; but I'm being forced to learn the art of stillness during this season. I'm glad the armor and the battle is His. My own armor has way too many holes in it.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Wendy, as an amateur watcher of birds, I love the line "Much of the Heron's success is to be found in the fruit of stillness." I also agree that God may seem silent, but He is never still. Thank you for a beautiful post. May you be blessed as you continue to declare his faithfulness, even in the uncertainty.

    1. Thank you, dear Jocelyn. Your words "May you be blessed as you continue to declare his faithfulness, even in the uncertainty" deeply encouraged me. Continue is a brave word when we're feeling afraid; however, remembering He's never still motivates us to keep believing.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  4. Wendy,
    Thanks for sharing. We are experiencing different events, but a similar life season. Praying that God will bless you with peace and contentment.

    1. Thank you, dear Ruth.
      Blessings of His peace to you and your family too.
      Hugs ~ Wendy Mac

  5. Lovely post, Wendy! And since you asked...

    As a lover of birds, I enjoyed the line (and accompanying photo) about the heron's success being 'found in the fruit of stillness'. And, I gravitated to the line about seeking the 'tonic of His Presence'.

    1. Thank you, dear Brenda. I'm grateful the tonic of His Presence never runs dry. I need Him every morning, afternoon, and evening.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

  6. I'm glad God lets us find out his purposes after the pain happens. It's like draining pus from a sore.

    1. So true, Bruce. Looking back on this post reminds me to be grateful my loved ones and I survived the storm of the decade for us. I've come out the other side with more faith in God and less naivety towards humankind. Some people are dangerous. But God isn't challenged by what challenges us. I'm glad God is always good.
      Blessings ~ Wendy Mac


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