September 08, 2018

Overcoming Perfection Paralysis by Karma Pratt

The writing life. Le sigh. It seems so romantic when viewed from a distance. Notions of idyllic settings from which to draw inspiration, dedicated time without interruptions, the peace of God's presence, and the unending flow of all things creative and writerly. Personally, I imagine an ocean view, a desk with zero clutter and time... glorious time.

When it comes to writing, there are many practical elements to take into consideration and the idyllic seems non-existent except, perhaps, within the realm of day dreams. I find that perceptions versus reality can impact my writing in a negative fashion if left unchecked. So, with that in mind, here are a few thoughts on the ways that faith transcends fear and has the potential to create the ideal atmosphere for writing.

Perfection Paralysis

Have you ever suffered from perfection paralysis? That sinking feeling that, if you don't get everything just right then there will be no opportunity to write? If you're like me, this level of perception vs. reality can lead down a path of procrastination at best, and full on paralysis at worst. 

In the past when my to-do list began to overwhelm me, my go-to coping mechanism was to just shut down. I couldn't get past the idea that my to-do list was my purpose. If I wasn't ticking the boxes in a timely fashion, I wasn't achieving my purpose or reaching my goals. If I couldn't "get it right" then I wouldn't do it at all for fear of getting it wrong. 

Oh, boy. Talk about a path of destruction. This type of cyclical thinking can only end in a tornado of tears. Thankfully, God continues to show me a better way daily. 

Passion, Purpose, Peace

There's a method to ending the madness of perfection paralysis. 

I recently started listening to a podcast called Encounter. It's a Christian guided meditation that focuses on daily connection to God through His Word. A recent podcast I listened to is called Discover Your Peaceful Purpose

"Ah, how lovely," I thought. "Finally I will learn the secret to mastering my to-do list." 🙂 

Turns out, my peaceful purpose as a writer has much less to do with to-do's and far more to do with to-be's. As in be thankful, be conscious of God's grace in my life, and be ready and willing to follow His call. 

Quite simply, if I turn my focus back to God, the desire to "get it right" falls by the wayside, replaced with the desire to take the next right step to honour God. The to-do list loses its power when I turn to face the One who promises true peace. The pressure releases and I am free to write because I am passionate about following God's call on my life, not because I have finally attained perfection. 

Faith-Filled Writing Life

My faith continues to inform my writing and God keeps helping me take steps to the next level. 

I am stepping out in faith this fall by attending a writer's retreat in Hydra, Greece

This God-sized dream is being made possible because I heeded the call in my heart and asked God to help me iron out the details. I am putting in the work and He is showing me the way. 

I do not know what to expect when I get to Greece, but I know that God will meet me there, and I pray expectantly that He will continue to reveal Himself to me in new ways. 

Come to think of it, this trip may just give me a taste of that idyllic, ocean view. At least for a short time I will retreat from the everyday and enter into a focused period of writing and meeting with God. 

I am thankful for the opportunities to let go of my own notions of what's right to write, and I look forward to seeing how God continues to move in this season. May you also be blessed with freedom from perfection paralysis in your writing and your faith journey. 


Karma writes from the golden house in Northeastern BC. You can connect with her online at


  1. I am so excited for you and your trip to Greece. God is doing amazing things, I am sure. I love the whole 'to-be' part, in this post, too. 'To be or not to be..." that really is the question, isn't it?

    1. That is definitely the question :) I am excited as well. Will keep you posted on how it goes

  2. Thank you for your peace imbibing post, dear Karma.
    Blessings on your trip to Greece ~ Wendy Mac

  3. Good thoughts, Karma! Loved this.


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