September 04, 2018

Stories to Tell by Susan Barclay

Martin Luther, that great theologian of the Protestant Reformation, described faith as a “living, bold trust in God’s grace.” It is an act of the will. We choose to put our faith in God. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that “without faith, it is impossible to please [Him].”

But when someone says that “faith feeds writing and writing feeds faith,” what does that mean? I think the first half of that statement means that the experiences of a faith-filled life give us stories to tell. When we trust God, He rewards us. He may reward us with opportunities, He may reward us through the adventures on which He takes us, He may reward us with answered prayers. The rewards are as limited as our limitless God’s imagination. That is, only He knows all that He has in store for those who believe!
When we put our stories in writing, they feed our faith. If in a journal, they can provoke reflection on God’s character and the truths we find in His Word. If written for others, our stories often resonate in ways that prompt sharing. Knowing that God is at work in similar ways in the lives of other people builds our faith and prompts us to praise Him even more.

 Sometimes God rewards us through trials. How are trials a reward, you ask? Often it is through them that our faith grows. They cause us to press into our Father more than ever before. My husband and I are going through a difficult situation right now. We are trusting God completely, believing boldly in His grace and what He is going to do, what He is doing. We feel assured that a positive outcome is on the way, but it’s not easy in the meantime.

 I believe we are in the making of a faith story. Right now I’m only journaling about it. But assuming Jesus tarries and He spares me, I wouldn’t be surprised if one day there’s a book. Maybe God will use it to feed others; His stories seem to work that way.
Susan Barclay maintains a website and currently blogs infrequently at


  1. Thank you for sharing about your faith journey Susan. I will stand in prayer with you for your circumstances.

  2. Your honesty is revealed in this post. I feel my faith bursting when people share their testimony - their real life story. Most often I know someone in a similar situation or their story might even reflect my own circumstances and in that moment I hear God whispering, "you're not alone." May God pour out his favour over your situation.

    1. Thank you, Vickie; we believe that He will, 100%!


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