September 15, 2018

The Gradual Symbiosis of Writing and Faith - Tracy Krauss

"relationship in which each party is dependent upon and receives reinforcement..."

For me faith and writing cannot be separated. The call of God upon my life to tell stories that point to HIM is deeply rooted. However, this wasn't always the case.

When I first started writing as a young mom back in the 80s, I didn't make the connection. The stories I wrote as I pounded at my old typewriter, were fluffy romances with no pretence at having a Christian message. It was all about the personal satisfaction I got from writing and nothing more. Then, about eight years into my manuscript (yes, that first book took me sixteen years to write!) I came to a startling realization. I might be embarrassed if anyone were to read what I had written. It was a bit of a crossroads for me. 

The catalyst for my self reflection came from an unlikely source. I was inspired by the singing group DC Talk. My husband and I used to run the Youth Group at our church and DC Talk was still the hottest ticket back in the 90s. What impressed me was their unwavering commitment to stand up and be counted for Jesus. They were current, famous, respected in their field - yet they did not compromise when it came to the message. There was no doubt who they were singing about in their lyrics. 

I had to stop and ask myself the question, "What will people do if they find that I'm a Jesus freak?" I recognized the voice of fear in that question - a whisperer that was certainly not from God - and determined to proclaim my 'freakdom' through my writing. If they could do it, so could I. It was a decision that not only changed the way I wrote, but it changed me from the inside out. 

Picture by ID 3547624 © Feng Yu |

Tracy Krauss writes from her home in northern BC. After more than thirty years of pounding at the keys, she still hasn't gotten everything out of her head. Visit her website to read about her many published books and plays.


  1. Tracy... That is awesome. As authors, also, TJ and I realized we wouldn't want our grandkids to read what we wrote if it wasn't faith based, or at least clean fiction. Thanks for your post.

    1. At the time I thought it didn't matter - or that I would use a pen name! But God impressed me with the phrase, "Stand up and be counted." It's something I have tried to do since.

  2. Thanks for beginning your blog with the definition of "symbiosis," because this is so exactly what we are talking about this month--the symbiosis between faith and writing. A bit red-faced, Tracy, I admit that I've only read one of your books, one from the neighbours series, which is slanted toward a young readership, but I enjoyed it.

    Your testimonial-type blog got me thinking of Francine Rivers, who was successful in general romance writing, before she, in her words, "truly encounter(ed) Christ. I first came across her three historical fiction books in the "Mark of the Lion," series, which I devoured and shared with other readers years ago. I shared these books with one of my daughters, who gradually confiscated the books. (She does not usually read novels that are faith-based.) Over the years, I've read most of River's books and recommend them to any reader/writer of Christian fiction.

    I find myself reading more NF these days, but I know I'll spin around to fiction in the future. Thanks for sharing the story of your particular experience with symbiosis.

    1. The Mark of the Lion series really impacted me as well, when I read it. Thanks for your thoughts. Interestingly, the NEIGHBOURS Series that you mentioned has the 'weakest' Christian message of all my novels, I suppose! Haha!

  3. Glad that you found your writing niche/calling and that you're not 'embarrassed.' I sense a new found freedom.

    1. I distinctly remember when the conviction struck - probably in 1993 or 1994. It certainly gave me a sense of purpose.

  4. Thank you, Tracy, for this look into your writing background. Wow, mention DC Talk took me back a few years. I'm glad you have persevered in your writing since the 90's. To the world those of us who Christians are all "Jesus freaks." Now we know we are in good company as InScribe Christian Writers Fellowship, aka "Jesus freaks!" :)

  5. Hey Tracy. Great reading in your post and good to see you at the Inscribe Writer's Conference. Thanks for lifting up your writing voice for Jesus.


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