September 01, 2018

How Do Writing and Faith go Hand-in-Hand? by Sandi Somers

Faith feeds writing and writing feeds faith.
The interconnection between faith and writing is so simple that the answer is, "Spirituality and creativity always go hand-in-hand!" And at the same the topic is so complex that books have been written to engage the intricacies. 

Read these excellent blogs/articles:
How writing can be a spiritual discipline,” and “11 ways writing has helped me grow” by our own InScriber Pamela Mytroen.

I’m often reminded of the Flannery O’Connor character, Asbury, who said, “The artist prays by creating.” I saw this so clearly this spring when figuring out a complex counselling case and treatment plan. As I wrote, I felt as though my words were a prayer.
Writing has become an outpouring of the growing edge of my relationship with God. God is continually teaching me new things, speaking to me through His Word, concepts I can translate into writing. This in turn opens the way to meet the needs of those who read my writing.
In another area, wrestling with a life/faith issue is an incentive to write. Conversely, while wrestling with a writing issue, I ask God for His guidance. He often answers, “I will help you.”
I’m currently reading the book: The Soul Tells a Story: Engaging Creativity with Spirituality in the Writing Life, by Vinita Hampton Wright. Here are a few quotes and paraphrases which may be an inspiration to you.
·        “Treat your creative and spiritual journeys as one…spirituality and creativity are closely connected.”
·        “Creative work…happens in that interior place where spiritual life forms… Your spiritual beliefs and your creative drive reside in the same place—deep within you where everything important is stored.”
·        “(Your spiritual life) harbors the possibilities for growth, forgiveness, honesty and true change. Often what you are working out creatively is in part an expression of what is happening in your spiritual reality.”
·        “Spirituality can offer depth and direction to creative work…” Your work can become a transcendent story.
·         “Our creative gifts provide means by which to infuse our theology and philosophy with real life.”
·        “Creativity can give to your spirituality the unique stamp that is your personality. This is the story only you can write.”
* * *
Tell us about how faith and writing go hand-in-hand for you. Perhaps these questions will jump-start your thinking.
How intentional am I in developing both my creative and spiritual life and life with God?
What does my life look like when I engage my emotions, senses and spirituality when I write?
Where and how is God nudging me to new opportunities and new challenges in my writing and faith?


  1. This is a deep topic and I am looking forward to what our others writers have to say. I especially love the quote that, "spirituality and creativity are closely connected.” I truly believe this to be so and can attest to its truth in my own life as an artist and writer.

  2. Thanks, Tracy. The topic was difficult to organize into a blog. There will be a lot of perspectives from other writers.

  3. An interesting topic, indeed. Faith, creativity, spirituality and writing intertwined with one another. It's a recipe that calls for InScribe writer's to share!

  4. I've read you blog several times, but I just keep spinning my wheels when it comes to writing a coherent comment. My wheels also seem to be spinning when it comes to writing my own blog on this month's topic. I especially agree with your paragraph that begins, "Writing has become an outpouring of the growing edge of my relationship with God." Thanks, Sandi, for once more giving us lots to think about.


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