April 29, 2018

My Writer’s Why by Bob Jones

I write to be read.
There, I wrote it.

A quick perusal of my writing practices clearly shows intention for my prose.

Aside from using writing prompts (thank you Sarah Selecky), my body of work has a clear purpose. Ninety-five percent of my writing time is used to blog, write book reviews, craft articles, contribute chapters to anthologies, as well as authoring a book with another in the works.

My admission (confession?) makes me feel vulnerable because its sounds soulless. Work. Not pleasure.

So what is it people are reading in my writing? Stories. Stories that inspire people, build faith in Jesus, and offer lasting purpose.  

Hope grows through my writing.

My latest blog post is about an eight-year old girl, facing a rare form of brain cancer. Inoperable. Terminal. She was given less than twelve months to live two months ago.

And she has a bucket list. An eight-year old. Eight-year olds should be using buckets for making sandcastles or collecting Saskatoons, not preparing to die.

Her name is Janaya. I’ve haven’t met her yet, but on May 1st, strangers to Janaya and her family will help make three of her bucket list wishes come true. Janaya wants to sing on a New York stage with a band and become world famous. Our church, North Pointe, isn’t NYC but we’ll do our best to give her the “Big Apple” red carpet treatment. Janaya and her family will arrive in a limo driven by a friend of mine. The event will be recorded for broadcast by CTV and 630CHED. A crowd of fans will welcome her and cheer her every note. And then she’ll autograph photos.

So why write Janaya’s story? I prayed for a miracle for her. I expect a miracle. In the meantime, anything that will tell this precious little girl who loves dinosaurs, that she is loved by the Creator of dinosaurs, is worth the effort.  

I hope my blog is read and shared and informs people to take action. To support Janaya by showing up, and praying for her and her family. To hold their own family members a little closer and treasure the health they have.

So, now you’ve fulfilled my purpose by reading this post. And if you would support Janaya, please leave a comment on my blog.

Thank you.
Bob is a recovering perfectionist, who collects Coca-Cola memorabilia and drinks Iced Tea. His office walls are adorned with his sons’ framed football jerseys, and his library shelves, with soul food. He writes to inspire people to be real, grow an authentic faith in Jesus, enjoy healthy relationships and discover their life purpose.

Follow his writing at Pointes Of View.


  1. I think your 'confession' is at the heart of most writers' reason to write, especially in the case of ministry. For if we aren;t read, then we aren;t reaching people...

  2. Thank you for writing this ... I read, and feel saddened by an eight year old with inoperable cancer, and I am encouraged by The Red Carpet NY City, your church is giving. Where can this performance be seen for us out of the area? Prayers for Huge blessings and success on your May 1 event!! These are the stories that should be shared.

    1. If you google "Janaya" you will see links to Global News, CTV News videos of Janaya. You can also go to my FB page and see a very brief intro to Janaya and the idea behind the concert. https://www.facebook.com/robert.jones.39142072

  3. Janaya's smile is beautiful. I pray she gets her miracle so she can continue shining here on earth. It hurts the most when children get sick--doesn't it? Thank you, Bob, for inviting us to pray for her.
    Blessings as you continue to share His love and Truth through your writing; you've just demonstrated we can be His hands and feet through what we write.
    Blessings ~ Wendy

    1. Thank you Wendy. It was a great nite for Janaya and her family.

  4. Bob,
    I love your candour and your big heart! It sounds like we write for similar reasons.

    How did Janaya’s event go?

    1. The event went exceptionally well due to the compassion of our youth and young adult volunteers, our interns and their creativity, some of our pastors, 400 of our church including seniors who did not find the music their cup of tea (Gummie Bear Song, What Does The Fox Say, Fight Song), but loved on Janaya.


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