April 22, 2018

My Reason to Write by Alan Anderson

2 Corinthians 3: 2-3, You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”

A gentleman I spoke with told me of his desire to write. He said he found it painful and hard to get things on paper. I agreed with him. The thing is he gave up. He still has a desire to write but is afraid in some way of how challenging it is.

Perhaps you will agree that writing is challenging. It can indeed be hard to put words to paper at times. It can even be bit scary. On the other hand, it is also alluring. It captivates those called to write in an almost teasing seduction. It is as if the words in our mind and heart dare us to write them down. Writing can be oh so cheeky.

My reason to write may not sound the most spiritual. I write because I have to. When I was a boy and young man I was quite withdrawn. I would only talk with certain people. I found it hard to trust people. I wasn’t sure if I could confide in anyone. Perhaps not only was my introversion holding me back but also I was shy. I’m not as shy now but I do tend to be introverted. It can still take me a while to get to know people and them to know me.

Writing has helped me gain confidence about my place in God’s world. For years words swam around in my head almost screaming to be let out. All they wanted was for them to be listened to. They wanted to comfort readers and give them hope. The tricky thing is they wanted me to be their spokesman and scribe.

As I was growing up I came to a realization the words screaming in my head were part of me. I realized I also needed comfort and hope. The words locked in my head wanting to get out would speak for me and to me.

I write because I am given the time, health and ability to do so. That will come to an end some day. A couple of days ago I was reminded of the brevity of life. A woman my wife has known for a few years died of a massive heart attack. I won’t go into details but it is one of the saddest situations I have ever heard of. Oh, what fragile creatures we are.

The situation I just mentioned brought home to me how final our ending is in this life. It caused me to reflect on why I write and also what I want to write. I write because I love to. I write because my mind and heart and hands are healthy. I write for my words often cause me to weep over the frailty of people. I write because there are stories that must be told. If I don’t write them, who will?

While we have our moments in this life, let us write. While we may have different writing “voices”, let us write. While our hands and fingers listen to our mind, let us write. While our hearts are open to God’s call, let us write.

My dear friends, we are written on the heart of God. We are His. He knows our stories. God has called us to write. That is wonderful and true.

I have read some of the posts for this month. I come away thankful we are in this calling together. Dear readers and fellow writers you are written on my heart. I love your words. Know too that I love you.



  1. Alan, your words touch me in a way I can't quite express. I honestly love and appreciate the honesty and 'raw' quality of your writing. It gets me every time! I concur with everything you said, too. I write because 'I have to write'.

    1. Thank you Tracy. I may have said it before in a post that you are the one who gave me my first opportunity to post in a blog. This gave me confidence to set my words free. Perhaps my writing is raw because it is not sophisticated just honest. I don't really know. I appreciate your support and encouragement my friend.

  2. Thank you for sharing that verse. I think I will copy it out and keep it nearby. I agree with Tracy regarding your words and honesty. You have much to share and I hope you keep sharing it as long as you can.

    1. Hi Gloria. Isn't the verse a great one? Thank you too for the encouragement Gloria. Yes, I intend to keep writing for as long as the words seek to get out. Blessings to you and your family Gloria. Keep writing!

  3. I connected with your challenge: While we have our moments in this life, let us write ...While our hands and fingers listen to our mind, let us write. While our hearts are open to God’s call, let us write. Thank you for this post.

    1. Thank you Jocelyn for allowing my words to connect with you. Bless you my friend.

  4. Well said, Alan. Paul's words from 2 Corinthians: we need to write them on our hearts and in our minds. Each of us has stories to write and if we don't write them, they will vanish. Thanks for your thoughts on this topic that has proved to be a good connection between the "we" and "thee" in our group. We gain insight and we understand each other better as we read one another.

    We are glad Tracy invited you to write on this blog site, Alan, and we are glad you accepted the invitation.

    1. Hi Sharon. Thank you for your comments. To me, when I blog I write knowing I have the encouragement from you and our other writer friends. It is wonderful to read each other's words. I trust our readers feel supported, encouraged and loved when they read our words too.

  5. Yes, God has called us to write and what a wonderful place to share our desire than with a group of Christians and encouragers. I love reading your stories because they come from your heart and mirror so many of my own feelings. Even when someone's story does not illustrate my thoughts or feelings there is still so much to learn from that person. I really enjoy reading about other people's journey's. And the bible passages that are often quoted here on InScribe reach out to me in ways I never imagined. Keep on sharing, my friend!

    1. Thank you Vickie. I love that we get to write here. I also love how we can encourage each other as writers. Yes, you are right, you and I mirror similar feelings in our writing. I guess that is why we are writing buddies. Keep writing Vickie.

  6. "While we have our moments in this life, let us write." Your words touch my heart, Alan. We "know" we may not have as long as we'd like to write, and as I get older I worry that I did not start sharing early enough, or that time will run out before I have shared whatever message God wants me to share. May we write with urgency as we share the Gospel, for not only could we have no more time, but others who need to hear the Great Hope may not have time, either.

    1. Hi Marnie! Thank you for your comment and encouragement. Yes, at times I think many of us have lost the sense of urgency. Life can change and end in an instant. The woman I mentioned who died of a heart attack died while waiting for her husband. He was having brain surgery at the time. When he awoke after his surgery staff informed him his wife had died. No time for a last kiss or goodbye. If we are to write then write. Terry had been waiting for this lady to get back to her. We figure that in the period of time Terry sent her a text she had died. So sudden and no warning. Yes, urgency is nothing to mess with. Blessings to you and Wally and family. Keep on writing. :)


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