April 13, 2018

Reason for Writing - Wendy L. Macdonald

     I remember the moment I realised my reason for writing: It happened when a Bible verse jumped off the page of a Beth Moore book I was studying with a group of ladies at my church. Before that moment, I suspected I was supposed to head in that direction, but I hadn’t experienced a specific word or leading until then.

     Although I already had an arsenal of favourite Scripture verses I memorised for my battle against eating disorders back in the 1980’s, I hadn’t found what many call a “Life Verse.” And although I enjoyed selecting a verse of the day and a verse of the year, I hadn’t chosen my forever one.

     But as I recently worked on a podcast draft for HopeStreamRadio, the verse I noticed during the Beth Moore Bible study came to mind and reminded me it not only applied to Jesus, but to all who believed on His name, because we’re to be filled by Christ, empowered by Christ, and imitators of Christ.

      A Christian is defined as one who follows Jesus. To follow Him is to do as He did, which is to be a fisher of men—as He called His disciples to do. Part of being a Christian fisherman is to instruct and build up the body of believers.

Are you curious—yet—as to which verse I’m alluding to?

     Here it is: Isaiah 61:1 NIV

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me,
 because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor.
 He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives
 and release from darkness for the prisoners.

     When I read this verse in the context of Christians being called and anointed to do as Christ did, it sent shivers of inspiration though my spirit. I long to live as one who binds and builds up broken people because I’ve been blessed with healing through the Word and through the words of those God used to help me overcome darkness. And as a result of my own rescue from eating disorders, depression, and infertility:

 My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.

     There are a lot of people drowning in disorders. There are a lot of rescues still in need of happening. I write because I want to be part of the rescue efforts. Sure it’s humbling—even humiliating at times—to share my story. But I thank God for the brave people who didn’t just recover from the darkness and hide the Light under the pew they sit on each Sunday. We’re to share what the Lord has done for us so that others may believe and glorify God too.

I’m glad I needed a rescue because now I know the Rescuer.   

     This is the reason I write. I’m nosey-to-know what yours is?

 The LORD is close to the brokenhearted 
and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
Psalm 34:18 NIV

     Rescued from the deep blessings ~ Wendy Mac

a white down feather
 fluttering in surrender
 I kneel before God
 for He comforts broken hearts
 and lifts the low in spirit
~ wlm


Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and podcaster who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. She hopes you’ll visit her “Daily Bread” style Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.” Her main website is wendylmacdonald.com where she enjoys interacting with readers.


  1. A lovely post Wendy! thanks

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. The InScribe writing prompts are perfect shepherds guiding this gal's quill. I appreciate them and all of you--a lot.

      Blessings ~ Wendy

  2. Wendy,
    Thanks for sharing! “ I thank God for the brave people who didn’t just recover from the darkness and hide the Light under the pew they sit on each Sunday.” This is something God has been speaking to me about. Bravo for being brave and sharing your failures and God’s grace in your life.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, dear Ruth. I'm noticing the brave posts not only make me tremble when I press the publish button, they resonate with those experiencing similar struggles. It's worth the trembling heart if it encourages other hearts.

      Blessings ~ Wendy

  3. Thank you for sharing.......

    1. Thank you, beautiful friend.
      Blessings on your weekend, dear Kim.
      Hugs ~ Wendy

  4. Thank you Wendy for your post. I appreciate your "it's worth the trembling heart" comment to Ruth ... I also like your line, about not being shallow, because you've been rescued from the deep. Beautiful little feather poem as well. Thanks much :)

    1. Thank you, dear Jocelyn. Because I received encouraging words--like yours--from other bloggers, when I first wrote it, it's been my byline ever since.
      Blessings on your weekend ~ Wendy

  5. Another excellent blog post, Wendy. Ah, that is a good verse from Isaiah you pro-claim! I think that means you claim it and then pro-claim it to others. Well taken. Thank you.

    1. Dear Sharon, I like your phrase: "Claim and pro-claim it!" Thank you for your kind words. I can picture Beth Moore saying that too. :)
      Blessings ~ Wendy

  6. Thank you so much for sharing your heart and your story from the Lord! You are a true encouragement. I began my blog out of obedience to God, and He keeps showing me that the amazing story of HIS Grace is to be beautiful to be kept silent. Even when I can't see a way to continue, He brings the words. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you, dear Bettie. Amen to "the amazing story of His Grace" being "too beautiful to be kept silent." Even creation cries out glory to God each time a sunset, sunrise, or rainbow paints the skies. I find solace in stories and in blogs like yours.
      Blessings ~ Wendy

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Thank you for sharing your personal story of how your rescue from eating disorders, depression, and infertility inspires and motivates your writing. As Christian writers, I believe we all share this desire to "bind up the brokenhearted" and "release from darkness" those who are suffering from afflictions.

    1. Amen, dear Nina. Christians are called to bind the broken in whatever way God has gifted them to help.
      Blessings ~ Wendy

  9. I made time on Saturday morning to read over some previous posts on Inscribe. I'm glad I found this one. Thank you for writing.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post, Bob.
      Blessings as you continue to write for Him ~ Wendy Mac


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