May 01, 2018

A Metaphor for Faith and Writing by Sandi Somers

So often writers describe their faith and/or writing in terms of a metaphor. For example, in InScribe Writers Online last year, Eunice Matchett likened her writing to painting a fence. Marnie Pohlman wrote that our walk of faith can sometimes be like walking on a tightrope. (Excellent reads!!)

My metaphor for this month comes from an experience while driving through England in the days before GPS. I was so encouraged to know that God sent His Angel to guide us along the way. At one point we (my friend Donna and I) came to a huge traffic circle, with five highways like spokes leading in different directions.  As we circled, we didn’t see the name of our city-destination.

...and driving in the oppoite direction!!
We got off the circle to get reoriented. Aha! As we looked at our map, the city directions posted along the circle led to distant cities, not the intermediate ones we were looking for . Once we knew which spoke to take, we were on our way.

          I sense a déjà vu in getting reoriented to writing. For the last months while studying counselling, my writing has consisted of research papers and case studies for treatment…and intensive journaling. My other writing has been largely put on hold.

I’m in a season of puzzling over future directions, just as Donna and I did that day in England. Questions have come up as I search my “map”:

How do I steward the gifts God has given me?
·        When can I pick up on some of my unfinished projects?
·        How can my academic writing be translated into publishable writing? As yet I don’t know.

However, I know God is preparing me; sometime in the future, concepts and ideas will coalesce, and my writing will be enriched because of this time in between.

He assures me that He is sending His angel to keep me in the right way (Exodus 23:20). And He’s telling me to prepare to take some steps of faith to “drive” into a new territory and a new destination.

On that note, I turn it over to you…What metaphor can you integrate into a blog of your writing and/or your faith?


  1. wonderful start to a new month, Sandi. I am looking forward to the posts.

  2. Sandi, I enjoyed the map/GPS metaphor. I have experienced the confusion at round-a-bouts as well. Sometimes we can keep circling, and yes ... those signs often state the furthest destination (like heaven) but we still have a lot of travel before then. And where did you study counselling? Good for you! That has been one of my thoughts circling as well.

  3. What a great metaphor, Sandi! May God grant you clarity in the next writing step He has for you.


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