April 03, 2018

Why I Write by Steph Beth Nickel

"And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him" (Colossians 3:17 ESV).

As Christians, this is supposed to be our motivation for everything we do. We are to seek to honour God and bless others at all times.

When Jesus was asked which was the most important commandment, He said, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" (Matthew 22:37 ESV).

All our heart, soul, and mind ... If we love God with our entire being, that love will flow through us. It will flow through the words we write. Even if we're writing for the secular marketplace, our words should reflect our worldview.

I write about a wide variety of topics: Christian living, fitness, even writing. I write blog posts, devotionals, and nonfiction books. I have begun work on a new brand, Nurture and Inspire. I hope to release 1-3 ebooks this fall. And at some point in the future, I would like to work on a series of novels or novellas that would also fall under the N & I line.

What are some of the reasons I write?

I'm a communicator.
If you know me personally, you know I like to talk. Years ago, when I apologetically said to a friend that I talked a lot, she said I did, but it was because I had a lot to say. I hope what I have to say is an encouragement to those who hear me speak and those who read my words.

Others have asked me to write.
When others have approached me to be regular contributors to their blog, I've been humbled and honoured. It's like someone inviting me to their home on a regular basis. Being the extrovert I am, I do an internal happy dance just thinking about it.

I've been told others have been blessed by my words.
I once wrote a poem called "Writing for One." If one person is blessed by something I've written, I'm over the moon. Joanna Penn, among other writing instructors, says we must each determine what success means to us. Blessing that one other person is definitely my idea of success. Not very commercially sound but true nonetheless.

I can't imagine not writing in one form or another.
I remember being asked if I could not write. I thought about making a living from my writing. While I'd like to do so, I could set that dream aside. But set aside writing altogether? I don't think so. It's part of my DNA. I refer to my for-my-eyes-only journalling as "rambling until I stumble upon truth." Talking things out or writing them down is how I make sense of the world.

At some point, I would like to create scalable income from my writing and writing-related endeavours so my hubby doesn't have to work so hard.
Physical books. eBooks. Courses. Affiliate links. Speaking gigs. I'm pursuing a number of possibilities, but in the end, the most important thing is that I accomplish what God has planned and purposed for me.

Is the motivation for everything I write to honour God and bless others?
I know God created me to be a communicator and has opened many doors for my writing. However, if I'm being completely honest about what motivates me to put pen to paper and fingers to keyboard, I'd have to say I'm not always motivated primarily by Colossians 3:17. But I pray this verse will increasingly become my guiding principle.

What about you? Why do you write? If Colossians 3:17 became your theme verse, would it change what you write?


  1. Hi Stephanie! Thank you for sharing with us. The reason I so resonate with most is "I can't imagine not writing in one form or another." That is reality. I like what you said about your new brand, "Nurture and inspire." I pray you have great success with this brand. It is needed these days in our society just as your writing is. Blessings, blessings and more blessings to you. :)

  2. Thanks for this joyful expression of why you write, Stephanie. I can so identify with your saying, "I refer to my for-my-eyes-only journalling as 'rambling until I stumble upon truth.' Talking things out or writing them down is how I make sense of the world."

    This is me too and I guess that's why I really miss doing my Morning Pages, when my schedule or discipline goes awry. Morning Pages are when I let God look over my shoulder and right into my heart. Often he helps me add things up and find the right answer.

  3. Thanks Steph for this very readable and honest post. Most of the points you made and the questions you asked connected to my writing thoughts. I too need to re-affirm what success means to me, in my writing and in my day to day. Great thought, and different circumstances cause us to re-evaluate success. I also try to make sense of the world through my writing, and I agree with Sharon on the excellence of that the line about journal 'rambling until you stumble on the truth.' Keep stumbling and sharing!


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