April 09, 2018

Why Not! - Shirley S. Tye

Why, oh, why does anyone write?  There are many reasons for writing.  We’re obsessed with the power of words; addicted to creating word pictures; we enjoy the freedom to be whoever we wish to be behind the pen while exploring things, places, and events we may never otherwise encounter; it’s a stress relief; the excitement of interviewing people in various lines of work and those with fascinating hobbies; it’s entertaining and/or encouraging to both the writers and readers; it’s a sweet love affair with words.  Ah, but all art is captivating. 

What lures writers?  Is it the feel of a well-balanced pen; the aroma of a recently sharpened pencil; the clinking of a key board; the magical appearance of words on the computer screen; seeing one’s name on the cover of a book?  Ah, but writing is fascinating.    

Writing is a strange business.  No matter what we write, whether it’s a book; an article; a piece of humour; a devotional; a poem; there is always a part of us that is exposed whether we want it to show or not.  Sometimes we’re not even aware that part of us is revealed in our work.  But our readers may notice it.  Actors also reveal themselves when portraying a character.  Directors are able to spot certain traits of an actor that show through subtlety despite how deeply an actor has delved into the character and believes to have become that character.  Being an artist can be uncomfortable at times, especially for private or shy individuals.

The power of words is amazing. Proverbs mentions the power of words many times.  “A soft answer turns away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger.” (Proverbs 15:1)  “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life.”  (Proverbs 55:21)  Proverbs 16:24 tells us that “pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and health to the bones.”  But yet “no one can tame the tongue; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.”  (James 3:8)  Yes, “death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21).  But remember “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11)  Yes, there is power in words.  Use them wisely.   

Whatever the reason; we write because we must.  We write to inform, to teach, to encourage, to entertain, and to provide a little stress relief.  Why do we write?  Why not!   


  1. I certainly concur with yoru observation that we 'expose' ourselves as writers, even when we try not to. It is definitely a tricky business!

  2. Thank you for this post--why oh why do we write? A good question, and you provided various reasons. I like your thoughts that even while exposing ourselves, writing is captivating, fascinating, uncomfortable and yet we still do it. (For some of us, not often enough to get the pages out) Isn't it interesting that we have different reasons in different seasons. So, why not?

  3. Your enthusiastic post stirs my soul. Thanks, Shirl. I love the collection of Bilble descriptors of words, the tongue. . . I haven't seen those all together.


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