March 22, 2017

Loving Acceptance of Unfinished Projects

“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil. 1:6.

I have been spending some time contemplating the questions of the writing prompt for this month. I have read the posts of our writer friends who have written about “unfinished projects.” I appreciate their take on things so much.

I like Brenda Leyland’s, view that “A half-done project is much like starting a race and then dropping out before you get to the finish line…” This is what came to my mind after reading Brenda’s comment. What if a project is not even half-done and has only made it to a quarter-done? All the words get excited that they are coming together then the brakes are applied. Things come to a halt and the words are like, “huh, what happened? How come we stopped?” Perhaps, even sadder, is when a project is maybe three-quarters on the way and runs out of steam. The poor words can almost see  the final chapter. They all now sit waiting for the writer, yes you or me, to carry on to finish.

My friends, here is my take on our unfinished projects. The poor babies! Oh my, how sad these projects must be being cast aside for another season! I understand too they may be just waiting with eager anticipation to get going again. There is hope my friends!

One of the questions the writing prompt asks is, Do you struggle with unfinished projects? Nope, I don’t struggle with it! I accept it. I accept that perhaps it isn’t time for these particular little beauties I have done some work on. I accept that this story or poem is maturing within my creative mind. It just isn’t ready yet. That is so freeing!

Another question from the writing prompt is, Do you wish to resurrect unfinished stories or blog posts and breathe new life into them? The thing is my “unfinished” projects are not dead or even comatose so I don’t have to resurrect them. No, my stories are just chillin! They are patient with me and I am patient with them. Their day will come!

How do you stay on task until your project is completed? That is a good question. Once I set my mind to get back to a project I block out a time frame and go at it. I still work to make a living and am involved in a full life. With this in mind I block out a couple hours or so on Fri. and Sat. This is my answer and I’m sticking to it!

How is God prompting you to finish the unfinished? Right now God is prompting me to work more on my next book project. It is one that has been percolating for a while. The project started out as Facebook posts. The story and I are getting reacquainted. I trust that when I retire from my profession I will have more time to write. My projects that are chillin out right now will be so happy to work together.

This all reminds me of God’s promise to me. He has begun a good work in me and by His grace I will be completed. In some small way I am also confident that my stories will be complete. While not as important as my relationship with God I love my relationship with my stories. I love my stories including my “unfinished projects.”

PS: I couldn't resist sharing a photograph of me and a recent finished project. I was was honoured to be asked to contribute to a book called Good Grief People. Thank you Barb, Glynis, Donna, Ruth, Carolyn and Amanda!



  1. I believe God has gifted you with 'words of encouragement', Alan. I always look forward to your posts because you continue to be upbeat - even during difficulties. This is such an uplifting post, and such a fun take on the prompt - I really appreciated it. Thanks for being part of our team.

    1. Hi Tracy!I find it encouraging that you and others are encouraged by my posts. We encourage each other therefore we are all encouraged. That's encouraging, right? :) You were the writer who gave me my first shot at sharing my writing with other people. I am so very thankful to you for that kind gesture!

  2. Such an encouraging post, and so un-stressing!! Thank you, Alan.

    1. Hello Joylene! I am thankful you are un-stressed after reading my post. We need less stress my friend! I appreciate you took the time to reply here. Take care!

  3. Great Attitude that I could learn from. I agree with Joylene and Tracy. So de-stressing and an upbeat way at looking at it. Far more motivating than thinking of it negatively.

    1. Hi Gloria! How wonderful it is to read your monthly posts to our InScribe family! I always enjoy what you write. We are in this writing calling together. I love having you as a writing companion! Keep on writing my friend!

  4. Wonderful - thanks for making peace a welcome part of the journey towards getting it "out the door" Alan.

    1. Hi Dayna! I am so moved that you replied to my post. Yes, peace is indeed welcome along the journey we walk. If we walk instead of run through life we see and love more! Embrace your life my friend!

  5. That verse is a wonderful opener for this topic - it set the tone for the feeling of peace that you wrote about. Thanks for another great post!

    1. Vickie, it is so great to read your encouraging response to my post. I trust you are doing well and enjoying your gift of writing! Bye for now! :)

  6. I agree with Vickie on your opening quote from Scripture. This verse does set the tone for your blog. Not only are our works "works in progress." So are we. It is so easy to "work" ourselves up into a frenzy about unfinished projects, productivity levels, comparing ourselves with others, etc., etc. Thank you for kicking all of this stuff down a few steps, Alan.

    I love your personification of your works--that they are chilling', that you have a relationship with them, that they want to see their words in print, etc. Thanks for de-stressing us by getting us to smile, like you do, broadly.

  7. Hi Sharon! I'm definitely a work in progress with my writing. Sometimes I feel the weight of life crowding in on me. It is especially then that I appreciate words so much. They help me process what is going on in me. I find, therefore, I cannot rush them. They can calm me. Thank God for words! Take care Sharon!


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