March 24, 2017

Works In Progress by Tandy Balson

Two years ago I went on a cruise with my daughter. One day an area of the ship had a sign up saying Works in Progress. To ensure the passengers didn’t attempt to access that area there was also a security guard close to the sign. They were serious about not having the work disturbed.

There are times I’d like a sign and security guard when I have a work or several works in progress.  The trouble is, most of my interruptions come from me!

Sometimes the words don’t flow and I look for distractions to keep me from feeling like a failure. Avoidance doesn’t work forever and sooner or later I need to focus on my writing. When I force myself to sit down and actually start, things aren’t nearly as bad as I’d feared.

Other times I have an abundance of ideas. I will write a few lines, give the piece a working title and save it in a draft file. These drafts may give me a starting place on the days I’ve run out of fresh inspiration. The trick is to make enough notes so I remember what my original idea was.

At the moment, I have a few works in progress that I need to get on with. It’s time to set out my sign, position my inner security guard and get serious about eliminating distractions. Maybe then I can make some progress.


  1. I loved this post Tandy! A sign would be a good thing... except as you pointed out, we are often our own worst enemy when it comes to distractions! so clever.

    1. Maybe I could put up a sign t keep my distractions away!

  2. Making notes in order to remember the original idea is a helpful tip. I must remember to do that. Thanks Tandy!

    1. Sometimes I look at my notes and wonder what my
      original idea was but other times they come in very handy!

  3. Thanks, Tandy. I like what you say about writing your idea notes and your bonus tip to write enough that you can recognize what you were thinking when you come to your notes. I need to become more methodical with this strategy, because it can definitely come in handy when my mind is as blank as the page I'm staring at.

    1. Sharon, I learned the hard way that a title isn't always enough to jog my memory! I also have a file of photos labeled 'for future stories' . Sometimes going through these will help me put words on the blank page.


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