March 09, 2017

Procrastination - Shirley S. Tye

According to an article in Psychology Today magazine, 20% of people chronically procrastinate. I entered that group two or three years ago.  Difficult duties, jobs that seem just too big, or tasks that fail to grab my interest, are always put off to a more suitable time.  Of course a more suitable time never materializes unless a deadline looms. And since there is no deadline to complete the novel I’ve been working on for …I don’t know how long...there it sits on the bookshelf collecting dust. 

Why do people procrastinate? Apparently it is linked with motivation.  And what motives a person?  The value or the importance of the work will motivate a person.  Bingo!  Well, there we have it, folks!  I just don’t find my novel important enough to finish. Mind you, if someone offered enough money to get it to the publishing phase, I’d be hitting the keyboard swiftly.  But alas!  No one will offer cash to an unknown writer to complete a novel that may or may not become a hot seller. So then…how shall I motivate myself?  

Sometimes I daydream about my novel.  I dream that it is published and many copies have sold.  It’s a hot seller locally because the story takes place in a near-by ghost town.  In the story, the town is a thriving little community in the present time where a touching love story unfolds and characters come to life.  Readers connect and relate to the characters and this in turn stirs their interest in the ghost town.  They form a strong lobby causing the Canadian government to take more seriously the plight of the village remnants, the neglected pioneer cemeteries, and the lumber history of the area. Soon the village and cemeteries are tidied up, plaques are placed to indicate where some of the buildings had stood, a few benches are placed under the trees facing the lake, a gazebo is erected on the beach, a replica of the general store is constructed, and the abandoned restaurant is re-opened.  Oh, what a lovely dream! Isn’t that enough to motivate me? 

Yes, it’s just a dream but it could come true – or at least, part of it.  Well now, I guess the only thing to do is to pull myself up by the bootstraps.  


  1. Sounds interesting, Shirley! Hike those boot straps up, girl!

  2. You've got a start on the plot, Shirley. As for boot straps, can you imagine the feat of lifting yourself off the ground by pulling on your boot straps. Sounds impossible. Maybe, if the laces are strong enough, you could do it with another person's help.

    Assistance could be a writing buddy or group to listen to your story and give you ideas and/or feedback. Encouragement could also lift you up. (Pun apology.) Let's remember that God helps with impossible tasks too.

    The psalmist says, I lift up my eyes to the mountains/where does my help come from?/My help comes from the Lord,/the Maker of heaven and earth. (Psalm 121:1-2 NIV)

  3. I am in the 20 percent Shirley :( I find what you said about motivation interesting....I just don't place enough value on my writing. Truth is sometimes blunt. This week I did find some motivation though and even made a list of upcoming ideas and projects. So there is hope for us all. I love your story idea. I hope you keep working on it.

  4. Motivation?Hmm... Good point to bring up, Shirley. I've been thinking the last few days that I need two things to motivate me more: polish up more of my work for editing, and sending more of my work to publishers. Thanks for pulling me up by my bootstraps!


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