March 06, 2017

The Plan by Glynis M Belec

I just about fell off my new office chair when I saw the prompt for this month. You know the one about staying on track and handling unfinished projects. And then the major guilt trip about how God might be prompting me to finish the unfinished projects (the guilt trip part was my doing). Ugh. 

I have SO many unfinished projects and manuscripts that if I died tomorrow my family would really discover the wayward, procrastinating 'brain' they called wife and mother. Come to think of it, maybe it wouldn't be a huge shock. They are used to my spurts of energy and brilliant ideas interspersed with a million things in any given week. Let's just say they could put it all together and create a small library! 

I guess, maybe what I am trying to say is I have a lot on the go, so pacing myself is a biggie. Staying on track is a struggle but I find if I keep my agenda current it helps. I prepare an agenda every night for the next day. It's the only way I can function properly. Lists make me focus. I always have a hundred incredible ideas that explode on a page but usually I can't find enough time to complete them and I am afraid I will forget them. So I have learned my green 'idea' ledger is the best place for me to begin the initial explosion. 

When I get that 'Full Brain Feeling' that's when I stop and pause and remember that my plans don't always measure up with God's. Then I pray. Then I stop flitting for a minute. Then I trust all over again.  

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you 
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11

I listened to my hubby give the message this past weekend in a local church. His topic was on service. At one point he spoke about how service, in whatever form it takes consists of seven essential elements. I liked that approach and started thinking of these elements from a writerly perspective and decided it might be a jolly good way for me to regroup. 

1. Willingness
     Is my motivation pure and right and am I willing to allow the Holy Spirit to led me to complete the project I am supposed to complete? 
     For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what one does not have.
2 Corinthians 8:12

2. Attitude
     Do I have a good attitude about my gift and am I striving for excellence that glorifies God and not self? 
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. Colossians 3:23

3. Compassion
     Am I making my writing life all about me or am I making sure I take the time to help other writers who might benefit from my experience? 
     Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts... Colossians 3:12a

4. Organization
     Do I plan? Are the goals I set - even the daily ones - realistic and attainable? Is my workspace clear and uncluttered (is my brain uncluttered?) Do I keep current in my craft? God is a God of order. am I striving for that?
    But all things should be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40

5. Tasks
     Do I just talk about the great things I could do or write or do I actually do them? Talking is merely procrastination. The proof is in the pudding. How's my work ethic. Do I keep deadlines? 
     Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Proverbs 16:3

6. Flexibility
     I am called to write. But first I am called to love. I haven't to feel guilty if I put a project on hold, temporarily to help someone with a greater need. Random acts of kindness can't wait. 
     For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Phillipians 2:13

7. Obedience
     Am I really writing what God wants me to? If I believe my words are a gift from God and He has given me the ability and the opportunity to pour the on a page, it's my responsibility to follow through. Am I trusting and obeying? 
    But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men. Acts 5:29
          So I guess now that I have laid out 'the plan,' it's in my lap now. Note to self: Check back in a year to see if I practiced what I preached. 

I'm trying. Really. 

         How about you? 



  1. What wonderful questions, Glynis! I'll be using these questions for meditation this week. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love these scriptures, Glynis. thank you.

  3. Thanks, Glynis, for this well thought out plan, which is seeking God's marvellous plan. I could identify with your response to this month's prompt--i.e. almost falling off your chair. I also "got" the graphics, the scriptures, and your comments. Please thank your husband for the original points. Thanks to you for giving us the writerly twist to this. I pray that what you said in your post will work in the hearts and minds of all of us needing this message. Blessings to you and your readers.

  4. oohhh, I never knew there were so many aspects to getting done what I need to get done. Maybe there's more to it than putting dates on the calendar... maybe much more! Thanks Glynis, this post inspires me to give my Procrastinating Tendencies more thought - although it's no surprise that I've been avoiding thinking about Procrastinating!

  5. You and your husband would appear to be good partners in ministry. Good stuff!

  6.'re not alone. There are many unfinished projects lurking in my closet as well. Thanks for sharing some great steps to follow.

  7. Great points, Glynis - thanks for drawing them to our attention. Numbers four and five really resonated as issues I struggle with personally. I love the idea of making an agenda the night before.

  8. I always appreciate your sense of humor and insights Glynis. Thank you.

  9. I chuckled when I read about all your unfinished projects and manuscripts you'd leave behind for your family to discover. I have notebooks and scraps of paper full of them. Ideas, lists, and plans come easy, but execution - not so much. There are always personal time wasters, distractions, and then that endless edit syndrome to deal with. Thanks to you and your husband for your insightful points on serving Him through our writing.


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