March 27, 2017

Writing Buddies - What's it All About?

This could be YOUR writing buddy!
This is a brand new initiative that is still in its infant stages, but the ultimate vision is to create a database of writers who are looking for one on one encouragement, accountability, and candid feedback, and then ‘hook them up’ with another writer with common interests, goals, and experience. 

 This will be especially helpful for writers who live in isolated areas or who cannot become part of a writing group for any other reason. The idea for ‘Writing Buddies’ was sparked at the 2016 fall conference when Carolyne Aarsen, the VIP day guest speaker, mentioned that she and another writing friend committed to be one another’s ‘writing buddy’ after attending conference. This was before she went on to become a million plus selling author. 

The current goal is to find a few pairs willing to commit to a six month trial period, agreeing to contact each other at least once a month to talk about their writing goals, barriers, and other related topics. Writing Buddies’ is less about being a ‘critique’ partner or mentor, and more about the encouragement to persevere. 

If you are interested or just want more information, contact Tracy Krauss. A short questionnaire will be sent to you. 


  1. What a great idea!

  2. Sounds like a great idea! I'm interested and will contact Tracy!


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