March 15, 2017

So Many WIPs... So Little Time - Tracy Krauss

In preparation to write this post I did a quick count of my works in progress and discovered I have nine novels in my 'WIP' file waiting to be completed. Several of these are unpolished 'Nanowrimo' projects. A couple have several completed chapters, while others are little more than an outline with some random dialogue sprinkled in.

Added to this is my desire to republish two of my previous novels whose rights have reverted back to me. There are changes that I've longed to make but did not have the right to do so until recently. (Example: I'm sick of the 'Sonny and Cher' references in regard to my book AND THE BEAT GOES ON...!)

As well, I've got five plays that I want to polish and submit. They've all been produced and performed but I haven't gotten around to submitting them anywhere. I also have plans to compile many of the old blog posts from my 'Expression Express' blog (which is no more, by the way...) and put them into a little book.

I think for me the problem is less about getting around to finishing a project and more about the fact that I have too many. "So many books and so little time!" seems to be my constant cry.

I try to set attainable goals for myself each year, and although I don't always get to everything on my list, I find setting deadlines for myself - arbitrary though they might be - helps me to stay on track rather than procrastinate. (Another tip: move the TV to an out of the way location.)

As you can see from my list for 2017, I'm not entirely on track, but it's not a total wash out either. (The orange highlighted bits are complete. The rest... well, there's still time this year!) Perhaps I was a bit unrealistic in my expectations, but I really want to crash through that pile of unfinished projects and knock as many down as I can!

My goal? Come Nanowrimo time I won't feel guilty about starting yet another new project. :)

Tracy Krauss has been obsessively clacking away for more than thirty years in her quest to get all those stories out of her head. Visit her website for more about her many books and plays.  -fiction on the edge without crossing the line-


  1. Tracy, the word prolific comes to mind. . . You are an amazing and prolific writer. Although I feel played out just reading your blog, I believe you are a shining example to each of us. Thanks for sharing about your WIPs. And thanks for the work you manage to to do for InScribe as well, in spite of a full-time teaching position. May God bless you richly for your faithfulness in several streams.

  2. Your level of energy and ambition amazes me, Tracy, but I can totally relate to what you are saying. I also have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew. While my to-do list grows ever longer, my time seems to grow ever shorter. But although I may have many goals, I also have an overabundance of optimism.


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