March 14, 2017

To Finish, or not to Finish? - Ruth L. Snyder

This month we are being asked to share whether we struggle with unfinished projects, and how we stay on task until projects are completed.

I am a finisher. In fact, not finishing something can make me very frustrated. Just before I started writing this post I was able to finish solving a problem on the InScribe website. After InScribe members elected the new executive at Fall Conference 2016, the names and contact information needed to be updated on the website. Most of the changes were easy to make. However, the InScribe website has a bottom banner or footer, that is on every page of the website. Information in this area needed to be updated. Every time I looked at the website, that out of date information irked me. (If you're not interested in things technical, you may want to skip the following description.) I knew from past experience that I needed to find the widget. However, when I brought up the widget page, the one I needed wasn't there. I asked our previous webmaster, other people familiar with Wordpress, and even our web host technical support. No one could figure it out. This morning I cried out to the Lord (for what seemed like the hundredth time) and asked Him to show me the solution. Then I went back to the website and updated a plugin. I noticed when I clicked on certain menu options that an error message popped up, pointing to one of our plugins. I disabled the plugin, and the widget I needed "magically" appeared. The changes took a matter of minutes to make. Solving problems and finishing things make me happy. I'm one of those list makers!

I may be a finisher at heart, but then many times life happens. One of the biggest adjustments I had as a parent was accepting the reality that I would rarely be able to work on projects to completion, especially at one sitting. I have learned to delay projects that take focus and concentration to times of the day when my children and husband are not around me. I don't want them to feel like interruptions. I have also chosen to focus on shorter writing projects for now, instead of books. Even then, my writing projects often take me way longer to complete than I would like. I have also requested an office space with a door I can close while I'm writing. Some day that will be a reality.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven" (KJV). I am often reminded that God's timing is different than mine. Instead of focusing on completing a project, I am learning to focus on the process and enjoy the ride. (My husband has helped me in this area, but not without loud protests on my part at times! Generally I am the planner, and he is the spontaneous one.)

I do have another unfinished project hiding in my desk - a novel that is about two-thirds completed. In the middle of working on the novel with an editor guiding me, God told me to put it away. Some day I'm trusting that the season will be right to finish the novel, but for now I know that I can trust God with it.

What about you? Do you have unfinished projects? Do unfinished projects bother you? What do you do to stay on track and finish?

Ruth L. Snyder serves God as a wife, mother, music teacher, writer, coach, and publisher. Her published works include articles, devotionals, short stories, and novellas. Connect with Ruth at


  1. I can relate, Ruth. Thank you for sharing! One time I had to put my manuscript away too because I was focusing on it too much, rather than on my family. Those manuscripts are magnetic and hard to break away from, but I felt so free after I got my priorities straight. I still have to come back to that lesson over and over again.

    1. Yes, those manuscripts are magnetic. I'm glad you were able to get your priorities straight. May God bless your writing!

  2. All I can say to the part about the website glitch is HALLELUJAH!!!! I know this has been a conundrum for some time and I LOVE that God showed you the answer! I am also a list maker and a person who likes to get things done so I am definitely on the same page, there, Ruth. And I am very thankful for my office that has a door!! Thanks for inspiring us and for being such a committed leader.

    1. Thanks for being my side-kick in InScribe work! You are an inspiration and encouragement to me. Praying that God will surround you with His love and strength today!

  3. Oh, Ruth. I should have skipped the part about the widgets, as it definitely went over my head. Yes, I know about frustration with technology and I am gleeful when I can get things straightened out, but it doesn't happen often enough.

    I too have learned that my time for a task doesn't always coincide with God's time. I admire you for listening to that message and putting the novel away for some years, so you could focus on your family.

    I appreciate what you're saying about not wanting your husband and children to feel they are interruptions. Three of my cousins were rooming together when they were in University. They each wore a particular hat when they were really focussed on their studies. I can remember the hats, but I think one of them wore an engineer's hat. Maybe there was a cowboy in there too.

    1. Sharon,
      It's a good thing God gifts us all differently. Thanks for using your gift of encouragement!
      I love the example you shared about wearing different hats. I may just have to try that out until I have my office :)

  4. It's great to hear how prayer and perseverance helped you work through your frustrations and solve the website issues. Despite describing yourself as a "finisher," you've accepted that now isn't the right time to finish your novel. I, too, find it easier to concentrate on shorter writing projects right now. However, I also have a partially complete novel and a couple of other books that I hope to finish "some day" in the future.

    1. Thanks for your encouragement, Nina

      Thanks too for sharing about your unfinished works. God's time is always best, but sometimes it is hard to wait :) Praying that God will show you the right time - His time - to finish those longer works.


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