January 20, 2017

Living the Dream by Joylene M. Bailey

On a Tuesday night a few years ago I arrived at choir practice to discover that our conductor had been unexpectedly called away. An interim director had arrived in his place. I had never met him before but it was obvious that other choir members already knew him when I heard them greet him by name and ask him how he was.

He smiled and said, “Living the dream!”
What struck me more than his answer, was the sincerity of his answer. His life was no better or worse than mine. But his perspective was from a positive place.

Since then I have tried out that phrase myself a few times. Most recently at the bank, where the teller carelessly threw out the accepted greeting:

“Hello. How are you today?”
“Living the dream,” I replied.
He did a double take and I smiled.
I thought about that phrase again today as I drove home.

It has become habit for me, as I turn into the cul-de-sac where we live, to push a button in my car’s visor. The button that makes our garage door GO UP!

Wonder of wonders!

I don’t have to get out of my car in -35 degree weather, as I did 9+ years ago, to wrench open the garage door by hand. 

Last week I had the most wonderful sleep I’ve had in months. When I tried to figure out what I had done differently the day before that might have caused such peaceful rest, I realized that the one and only thing I had done differently was to spend 20 minutes shoveling snow!

I live in a warm house where there are NO BUGS in winter!! No giant spiders crawling up my walls, or dangerous snakes slithering through my yard. And all the annoying flies & mosquitos have disappeared.

Thank God for snow to shovel, sweet sleep in cozy bed, warm house, no bugs. Thank God for crisp air to breathe, and snowflakes that I can HEAR hitting my jacket one by one.

And thank God for garage door openers!

I am living the dream.

Joylene is living the dream with her Cowboy, Babe, and a cat named Calvin in Edmonton. You can find her blogging at Scraps of Joy - a joy-infused view of the world.

photo credit: joeldinda <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/96739609@N00/31609159925"></a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/">(license)</a>

photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Midwest Region <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/49208525@N08/31644649105">Winter Wonderland at Treampealeau National Wildlife Refuge</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">(license)</a>


  1. Joy, you have put a whole new spin on the "attitude of gratitude" cliche. Well said. I wonder if "Living the dream" might come out of my mouth today? (Instead of the grumpy words that have come out this past week when dealing with service people who had done nothing wrong. Sigh.)

    1. Hmmm, I wonder. Give it a try and see how it goes. :)

  2. I concur! No spiders, bugs, and snakes!! Now that is something to be thankful for. I also had to smile because I have a friend whose standard answer is always, "Livin' the dream!" It made me think of him.

    1. It's a great answer to "How are you?". Especially when it is a sincere one. Glad I could help you think of a friend. :)

  3. What a great attitude! Thanks for sharing, Joylene. You live up to your name. :)

  4. I might have to try saying the same thing. I too am thankful for frigid temperatures that kill all the bugs, and my hubby just built a new garage so I don't have to park outside anymore! I should be Doubly Thankful! It will be fun to see people's reactions! Thanks Joy!

    1. Yay! No more scraping windows for you!

  5. LOVE THIS! I'm going to consciously try using that term too--see what kind of response I get.

    1. Connie, keep me posted on how it works out for you. :)

  6. Living the dream which includes reading you! Thanks for this joyful post today, Joy!

  7. Joy, I enjoyed your post so much that I've shared about it on a post on my blog today.

    And, yes, I'm living the dream too!

  8. Well, I'm honoured. Thanks, Brenda!

  9. Living the dream is such a joyful approach to life. Thanks for the uplift!

  10. I'm awake at the wrong end of the day, struggling with things on my mind. Pow! Your blog hit me right in the heart. I need to pray now. Thanks.

  11. Pat Gerbrandt5:35 pm GMT-7

    Thanks for pushing my "think deeper" button. I agree wholeheartedly on the blessing of not having snakes or huge spiders in my space. I'm not sure it is accurate for me to say I'm "Living the dream" because my reality is far bigger than any dreams I had when I was young and naive! I need to have a sparklier answer to the usual question; that too, needs a push on the "TD" button!


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