January 04, 2017

It is a Good Thing by Susan Barclay

Does anyone else remember this little ditty (based on Psalm 92)?
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord;
It is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord;
And to sing praises unto Thy name,
O most High.
It was one of the first things to pop into my head when I thought about this month’s theme: it is a good thing to give thanks unto the Lord.

It is a good thing, but not always an easy thing. When we go through trials, struggles, discouragements, despair, it is more natural to complain, whine, pout, or ask ‘why me?’ than to say, ‘thanks, God!’

I recently heard, or read, that we don’t have to express gratitude for our troubles. But in the midst of them we can always find something to be thankful for:
  • Thank You for the strength to get through each day
  • Thank You for those who are joining with me in prayer
  • Thank You that this difficulty is drawing me closer to You
  • Thank You for breath
I’m so hoping that this year will be better than 2016, but there are no guarantees. Much of what I’m dealing with is out of my personal control or even influence. I can’t make other people see the light or see reason or choose to do what is necessary to improve their situation.

All I know for sure is that I have a good, good Father, and I can decide to praise Him in this storm. It is a good thing, so I will do it, trusting that however life plays out, He always loves, cares, pursues and heals. He never forgets or forsakes His own. May His will be done.

Please visit Susan's new website at www.susan-barclay.blogspot.ca


  1. Thank you, Susan, for sharing your journey of giving thanks in your difficulties. I'm praying God will sustain and encourage you this year.

    1. Thank you, Sandra - your prayers are very much appreciated!

  2. Another excellent post on this month's topic. THANK YOU.

  3. Wise words and a good perspective on difficulties. Thank you for sharing!

  4. Yes, Susan, we can only change ourselves and our own attitudes. The other situations that are out of our control, we will have to leave to God. We can ask Him for wisdom, guidance, and peace about other people and their circumstances. God can work in people's hearts. It's easier, however, to know this in our heads than in our hearts. I am a work in progress.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us. Blessings!

  5. Frustration and distraction enter in when we try to force something on others - learned the hard way. When you said we have a good, good Father who we can decide to praise (even) in the storm, then that is the right path to take! I'm joining you there, Susan!
    March on.


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