January 31, 2017

Thankfulness - Guest Post by Bryan Norford

It’s all too easy to complain, isn’t it? Yet at the same time, we long for contentment. Complaint and contentment are incompatible. And the truth is, we have far more to be thankful for than to complain about.

But isn’t it simplistic to say the supreme gratitude for the abundant life in Christ we have now, outranks complaint of any person or problem that comes our way. Of course, if we fail to express thankfulness, it will seem simplistic.

The supreme value of thankfulness, is it’s ability to raise us up to the place where we belong, seated with the Father in heavenly places. Without it, we wallow in the dirt of earth, often seeking contentment in the surrounding environment. The world offers nothing but fading hope.

Godliness with contentment is great gain (1Tim. 6:6). Real contentment is impossible without fellowship with God. And that is based on our thankfulness to Him. God’s will for us in Christ is: “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances,” (1 Thess. 5:16-18).

Humankind declines into a futile mind and a darkened heart when lacking two essentials: recognizing God’s glory and thanking Him (Rom. 1:21). So commences a downward spiral. The reverse process leads to an opposite conclusion.

Acknowledging God’s eternal power and nature and giving Him thanks raises us above our earthly problems and pursuits, to a place of pervading joy that dominates the changing scenes of life. Thankfulness brings contentment by changing our attitudes to an unpredictable life.

My necessary prayer is to thank God for wife and family, food, clothing, shelter in abundance, a soft chair and a warm bed. Despite encroaching prostate cancer, I still have sufficient health, strength, and the ability to write. I have contentment where I am.

May 2017 be a year of renewed thankfulness for the continuing daily provision from His hand, the abundant life promised, and the eternal life to come.


  1. It's always so wonderful to read your sound advice Bryan! Thank you for this guest post.

  2. Thanks for this post, Bryan. This statement, "Acknowledging God’s eternal power and nature and giving Him thanks raises us above our earthly problems and pursuits," was particularly meaningful this morning.

  3. "Thankfulness brings contentment by changing our attitudes to an unpredictable life." This is so true, Bryan. Right now we are going through an unpredictable life with one of our children. We don't know where she's going to land, and the Lord keeps reminding me to keep my thoughts on things that are excellent, praiseworthy, true, and so on, and also to keep my mind on things above where Christ is seated, like you also mentioned in your post. Your life is unpredictable too, and so I appreciate your understanding in how we have to keep our minds on all good things in Jesus. I do hope and pray that you are doing well and I'm so glad to see that you are still writing!


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