January 03, 2017

Seeing Things Differently by Steph Beth Nickel

It's so easy to go through life on fast forward and miss the wonder all around. And at this time of year, if you do take the time to slow down, the biting cold, the blowing snow, and the overcast skies may get you down. We must choose to see things differently, to focus on the beauty in the midst of it all.

I love to take pictures. There's nothing that cheers my heart like going for a photo walk and looking at life through the lens of my camera.

God created an amazing world. And Romans 1:20 says, "For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made" (ESV). Amazing!

Below are some of the pictures I took in years gone by (when we had far more snow). What warms your heart when the cold winds blow? What have you learned about God from His creation?


  1. What stunning photographs! Surprisingly, photography is not one of the things I've ever been into, but my husband loves to take pictures. These might be great submissions to the new Anthology... just a thought.

  2. I love these pictures! Thanks for sharing. You gave me an idea to capture the beauty of winter.

  3. God must be beautiful if his creation is so lovely. I especially like the bottom two photos!

  4. The beauty of nature in our four distinct seasons in Canada does speak to my heart even when the cold winds blow. Some times it feels good to bundle up and go out in the cold. A good friend picked me up this cold morning and we went to The Barrhead Neighbourhood Inn for breakfast, a catch-up visit and some writing. Good fun!

  5. Beautiful photos and wise words, Thanks, Steph!


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