January 15, 2017

Thankful In Season - Tracy Krauss

Many others have already expressed the unique feelings of thankfulness that we Canadians get to enjoy during the cold winter months. We are thankful for things like:

That cozy feeling that envelops you when you snuggle under a blanket with a steaming drink after being outside in the elements.

The brightness of the snow as it sparkles in the sunlight on a clear afternoon.

The Christmas-card beauty of hoarfrost on the trees, evergreens laden with snow, and smoke curling from rooftop chimneys.

Rosy cheeks 
and clouds of breath 
and whoops of laughter on the way down the toboggan hill.

I dislike scraping my car windows in the morning as much as the next person. I get tired of shovelling. Sometimes it feels like spring will never arrive...

But I am so THANKFUL to live in a country with distinct seasons. I think this might be the thing I would miss most if I had to move elsewhere. So here's to winter, with all its pros and cons. May we ever cherish the great variety we are so privileged to experience in this wonderful country we call home.

Tracy Krauss writes from her home in northern BC where hoarfrost on trees and shovelling snow are part of everyday life. Visit her website: tracykrauss.com  -fiction on the edge without crossing the line


  1. Yes, Tracy, I grumble too about slipping on ice or having a sore back from shovelling, but I, too, appreciate the four distinct seasons. I also affirm the justification for having a suitable coat for most weather conditions.

  2. Love this colourful post. Thanks, Tracy. 😊

  3. I do complain about winter; especially the cold and ice but I have to admit that if it never snowed again I would be so sad. Sometimes there really is great beauty in the hard things. Thanks Tracy.

  4. Thank you, Tracy, for reminding us of all the things we have to be thankful for during the winter season, despite are frequent grousing.


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