May 16, 2015

Writing with the Breathings of Our Heart by Loretta Bouillon

This months theme is based on William Wordsworth’s quote instructing writers to “fill your paper with the breathings of the heart” This is something that comes very natural to me. My first “journal” was given to me when I was nine years old. We called it a “diary” back then. It was a little hard-covered book that allowed five lines per day to write your thoughts. I had its own lock and key. I remember it well. It was shiny and beige. It was my treasure.

Since that time, I have filled many journals over the years. I have a box of them in my closet from the last twenty years of raising my family. The earlier volumes are really more just rantings and lamenting about difficult pregnancies, sleepless nights and longing for a moment to myself. Over the years, my daily journal has evolved into an ongoing conversation with God. These pages are still filled with lamenting and crying out to Him, but there are also many documented happy times, revelations and praises to the Lord as well.

As my relationship with the God has matured, so has my journal writing. I think there must be a balance between prayer requests and a thankful heart.  I do write with the underlying thought: “Do I want my children reading this and remembering their mother this way when I am gone?” I don’t like to journal with an “editor” in my head, however, instead, I ask God for discernment as I am writing my most personal thoughts.

When I share my experiences to encourage or inspire others, in a more public medium, I want to make sure that I do not dishonor my husband or children in any way. I often like to write about day to day life with my family so if I mention any of them, I let them read what I have written before publishing. If I share thoughts about my faith, I usually ask God what I should do with it. Is this for my own blog or other blogs that I contribute to? Could this be a submission for a magazine? Perhaps it is just a short facebook post that I feel the Lord will use to touch someone that day.

I guess when it comes right down to it, my desire is to be prayerful about everything I write, just like it is to be prayerful about everything I speak. When I write the “breathings of my heart”, I want to glorify my God always.


  1. Loretta, your description of your jounalling shows me the difference of doing it with God, where you can receive revelations, and trust his discernment. It brings such writing to a much deeper, more productive level. And I agree strongly about your caution when writing about family. Very important to keep in mind!

  2. Beautiful, thoughtful considerations, Loretta. Thank you. I know what you mean when you say, "As my relationship with the God has matured, so has my journal writing. I think there must be a balance between prayer requests and a thankful heart." That is such a good reminder to always be prayerful about what we write. It's amazing how often our heartfelt writing turns into prayer, or the "breathings of (our) hearts."

  3. Amen, Loretta. I used to write in my diaries and journals either when something really great or something bad happened, and as time went on it was a lot more negative. Now I wish I'd written a more balanced journal. Thanks for your interesting post!


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