May 20, 2015

Breathings-of-My-Heart, Where Are You? by Joylene M. Bailey

Sometimes I can’t hear the breathings of my heart for the screamings of my head.

From the moment I wake up in the morning the incessant yammering begins running through my brain.

Two deadlines to meet by Sunday. Gotta get crackin’!

Get groceries for the Care Group dinner on Friday.

Meet Christine for lunch.

Go through that box in the closet.

Find my pearl necklace for the wedding. Who was the last person I lent it to?
Answer that email.
Library books due. Pay the credit card bill. Make sure his dress pants areironed.Findoutwherethatsmelliscomingfrom.Mailthatpackage.Gotothebank.Takethecattothevetwatertheplantsphonemomdefrostchicken...


I go to my favorite chair, open my Bible, ask God to speak. 

I listen to the breathings of His heart. 


And then …

There you are, breathings-of-my-heart! 


  1. Oh my, Joy! You've been watching me this week, haven't you? What a brilliantly crafted post (written from my rocking chair, which is my breathing place too!) God bless!

  2. You captured the frenzy exactly!

  3. aahh... such a simple message that is so hard for me to remember to do! Love the visual style you used with these words.

  4. All the thoughts that run through our minds without taking a single breath and then there it is....STOP! We all have to do that from time to time and when we do, God needs to take control. Nicely done.

  5. Bam! You hit the nail on the head. God is always patiently waiting to breathe His life into our frenzy. He is so good--so kind.

  6. What you said! Thanks and bless you for portraying exactly how too many days can go for us if we get out of step with our Lord.

  7. Anonymous8:01 pm GMT-7

    It is so true that we need to quiet our minds to hear Him, and just be!

  8. Excellent message Joylene! I love how you ran the words together to visually express exactly what happens in the mind. I so needed this message. Thank you.

  9. Oh ya! Well done! I love the visual style Joy, very crafty! Excellent job in getting the message across. My heart started racing with your words, and then..."stop." "...listen to the breathing of His heart." Yes!

  10. Oh ya! Well done! I love the visual style Joy, very crafty! Excellent job in getting the message across. My heart started racing with your words, and then..."stop." "...listen to the breathing of His heart." Yes!

  11. Joy, what an effective way of conveying the noise in our minds and hearts, and then the order to Stop. I enjoyed this, thanks!


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