May 24, 2015

Breathings of My Heart by Tandy Balson

Several years ago I heard a song that reduced me to tears.  It seemed to speak to the breathings of my heart.

The song talks about what you hope people will say about you after you pass on.  I still get emotional when I hear the words, “She loved more than anything else.  She loved, with all of her heart.”

This resonates so strongly with me because it is the cry of my heart to accept, encourage and inspire others by showing them love.  The more I bask in the Father’s love, the easier it is to reflect it to those around me.

Until a few years ago this was done through a smile, a hug or spoken words.  As personally rewarding as these methods of sharing love were, God had something bigger in store for me.

He chose to give me words to write down and share.  Not only did these words point others to the love of God, they made it deeper and more personal for me.  
The message of God’s love that has flowed through my fingertips has spread farther than my spoken word ever could have.  I am humbled that He chose to breathe His love though my heart and onto the page.


  1. Beautiful post, Tandy, a reflection of your heart. So true that 'The more I bask in the Father’s love, the easier it is to reflect it to those around me.'

  2. Sharing this with a friend who is going through some difficult times, but has a strong sense that the Lord is calling her to write about them, and share how he's working in her life. Your words, I think, will give her encouragement! Thanks, Tandy.

  3. You've articulated what so many of us that read this blog feel: "He chose to give me words to write down and share. Not only did these words point others to the love of God, they made it deeper and more personal for me."

  4. Thank you for your kind words. I know you feel the same as I do - very blessed to be chosen by God for this writing ministry.

  5. Thank you for sharing so honestly, Tandy. It is very calming and sweet to read your words.


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