May 22, 2015

The Road I Walk Is Quite A Journey! by Alan Anderson

Years ago the Beatles brought out a song called "The Long and Winding Road". I know I date myself when I refer to the Beatles but good music never dies! A line of the song goes, "the long and winding road that leads me to your door." I feel at times that my life is on a long and winding road. I believe I know where it leads but sometimes I wonder as I wander. At times I may wander off the road and take the odd detour. I may also lose my way and become somewhat lost or misdirected. My journey of life kind of reminds me of John Bunyan's story "Pilgrim's Progress". Anyway, I digress. 

Dear writer friends, what is your road like?  Where is it leading you?  Perhaps like mine you come to a hill on the road that looks insurmountable. The hill may also be made of gravel and has potholes all over it. The potholes fill with water when it rains and it becomes difficult to walk on. In spite of such perceived obstacles or drawbacks or things that may slow us down, we must keep on keeping on.  Even the grief in our lives, 
our grief journey, our road paved with sadness and dips of despair, leads somewhere.  I thought of this many times after hearing of the “miscarriages” experienced by my daughter and one of my daughters-in-law.  Where does this part of the road lead?  What is the purpose of this part of my life’s journey?

I live by the faith that devotes itself to the words of Jesus when He said, “I go to prepare a place for you.” That is good enough for me. The road ultimately leads to love we have never experienced before. It is the place where God lives!  It is the place where my grandchildren who were never born live!  Some day I will be there as well!  Wow, what a road I’m on!


  1. Ah, that road, that long and winding road. Your article takes me back, Alan. When my daughter was in ICU after breaking her neck in an accident, I was catapulted onto a road much like you describe, Alan. I still remember vividly the day I accused God of not caring, leaving me like this. "My daughter," he spoke to my heart, "you keep looking down at the difficult path. If you look up, you'll see the scenery I'm placing all around you." I began to do that, and making a list of that scenery. A parking space in the busy downtown. Some money from an unexpected source. A friend showing up when I most needed her. God's scenery is there, if we lift our eyes and look.

  2. Your description and Bobbi's comments really hit home.

  3. I really liked your perspective on the winding road, especially the end where you talk about the road leading us home to Jesus. I have been on many winding roads where I have felt so lost at times but we are never really lost if we are following Jesus. Blessings :)

  4. Scenery along the way, and a beautiful destination - I must keep that in mind as I navigate the detour that God has put us on. I don't like it one bit but I must keep the end in mind, and as Bobbi said, enjoy the scenery along the way. Thank you Alan for these thoughts today.
    Pam Mytroen

  5. "What is the purpose of this part of my life's journey?" That is a question I have asked so many times in life. But I do have to agree that in the end, all that matters is waiting for me.

  6. Alan, what a nice reminder of what our faith journeys lead to!


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