May 06, 2015

Sugar and Spice Heart Writing by Glynis M. Belec

     A long time ago an editor offered me a sage piece of advice.

  "If you write from the heart, you will touch other hearts."

     I thought it rather brilliant and have never forgotten those words given to me in all sincerity.

     When I first started writing I heard so much about making sure I find my voice. Learning my style, my approach, my purpose. Of course I floundered a little wondering why God gave me a passion to write. Why couldn't He have given me a less complicated gift? But I carried on. I read. I put words on paper. I entered contests. I sought out assignments. Sometimes I messed up.

     "Don't try to impart a lesson so obviously," was one response to a story I submitted to a children's magazine.

     "Keep your words real and believable," was another appreciated comment.

     "Find out your true voice and stick to it. Don't copy any one else's style. Write naturally. Write honestly." More advice.

     So when I was invited to write my weekly Sugar and Spice column in
the local newspaper, I was ready. The responses to my writing inspired me when I let my heart flow. When I didn't force my words. When I asked God to give me something to say.

     The best compliments were when readers would say, "Oh, I so know what you are talking about. That happened to me."


"I relate so much to your words. Thanks for saying that."


" That was hilarious. It's like I was there."

     I stuck to that column for many years and so what if I never got a raise from the original $2 a column inch agreement! I loved writing my stories for my local audience. But seasons passed and the time came to move on. Eleven years later, in 1997 I wrote my final column. God was opening up some other wonderful doors and windows for me in the writing world and I knew I had to trust and obey.

     Even to this day, though, when I ponder how to approach and write something, I think about my Sugar and Spice column. Sugar and Spice Heart Writing comes the easiest to me. I thank God for the eleven year tutorial. What can I say? Slow learner!

God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. 
Use them well to serve one another.  1 Peter 4:10 


  1. Thanks for passing along the advice you've received along the way. I will keep in mind for when I'm writing.

  2. Thanks, Glynis, for your heart warming heart writing. You have learned your writing lessons well and I thank you for sharing them. I also thank you for the work you do for us in the Writing Challenges. May God continue to bless you and your writing.


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