May 01, 2015

Write with the Breathings of Our Hearts by Sandi Somers

William Wordsworth once instructed writers to “fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.” Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But putting our feelings and “breathings” onto paper in a way that will inspire others is not as easy as it sounds.
Prompt: What have you learned about writing very personal thoughts and feelings? What advice would you give other writers about putting their “breathings of their hearts” onto paper?

Breathe in, Breathe Out

“Breathings of the heart” brings to mind the cycle of breathing in, breathing out.

Each morning I breathe in the word of God, and the Holy Spirit breathes life and healing into my messy and mysterious life.
Peace when I’m perplexed
          Clarity when I’m confused
                   Faith when I’m fearful

Then when I sit down to journal or write an article, I can breathe out His thoughts.
          Thoughts inspired by the Holy Spirit
                   Thoughts woven into a work of art
                             Thoughts to communicate God’s message

 Ponder the breathings of your own heart, and meditate on the following thoughts:

·        Stay close to God through time in the Word, time reflecting, time praying.
·        Give Him as much as you know of yourself.
·        Ask God to transform your present circumstances. He is faithful to answer you.
·        Discover how God wants to translate the themes in your life into words.
·        When you feel scared, vulnerable and exposed about putting your words on paper, trust God for the best way to tell your story.

And as you trust God, He will “translate (your words) into words of love, words that heal and transform, words that change lives, words that have eternal significance” (Marcia Laycock, speaking at our Southern Alberta WordShop, April 25).


  1. Thank you for these beautiful thoughts this morning.

  2. Filtering everything through God's word is our best strategy to keep writing in a way that will impact others for the Lord. You put it beautifully, Sandi.

  3. I like what you've breathed through this post, (smile).

  4. NIce photograph, and the line up of your words is visually appealing, as well as encouraging.

  5. Breathing--it happens naturally, without us having to think about it. How does that spill over into our writing? Should be an interesting month of posts.

  6. Lovely, Sandi. And great, practical advice.


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