April 15, 2015

Inspired by Burn Out - Tracy Krauss

I'm not sure I feel qualified to speak to this month's prompt. The suggestion said, "How do you keep yourself and your writing fresh as you produce new articles, books or songs without burn-out or repeating the same ideas?"

In the past I would have said, "Burn out? What's that?" It's kind of a foreign concept for me. I've always had a fairly high output level when it comes to productivity. I like staying busy. I often have too many irons in the fire, but it's the way I like it. I thrive on a certain amount of pressure. Another thing I might have said is that I always have more than one project on the go at one time. When I get bored or stuck, I switch to a different project. 

That's what I WOULD have said... 

Truthfully, I'm feeling a bit of burn-out this year, and it's not very comfortable. The first thing I've had to do is lay the guilt aside. I had lofty goals at the beginning of 2015, but very little on my 'list' has found its way into reality.

It's not as if I haven't been writing. I submitted two articles for the upcoming Inscribe Anthology, I've continued to blog here each month, maintain my personal blog 'Expression Express', post on the Word Guild blog, and recently I started writing for the Inscribe professional blog on writing. I've written some articles for Fellowscript, collaborated on a play, edited some work for another writer, written some reviews, not to mention I've written a sermon almost every week since January. (My husband and I are serving as Interim pastors in our church and I was left to do the preaching for the entire months of January, February and much of March.) 

Just writing this list has boosted my 'satisfaction-meter'. I WAS productive, despite the fact that my two works in progress only grew by a few thousand words over the course of the last three months.  

I've come to realize that seasons of inspiration will come and go and that's okay. Sometimes the best remedy for burn-out is to just let it be. That in itself can be inspiration enough.

Tracy Krauss continues to ponder life from her home in Tumbler Ridge, BC. If you're interested in any of her many published books or plays (all published last year or earlier...) visit her website


  1. Your 2015 list of productivity is impressive, Tracy. Maybe we need to periodically take stock of what we ARE doing, instead of what we AREN'T doing. It all comes down to expectations, doesn't it? You expected to make progress on 2 planned avenues. Instead, you've been making an impressive turn around a big cul de sac! That's worthy of a happy dance!

    1. You are always such an encouragement Bobbi!

  2. You have a healthy attitude Tracy when you say seasons of inspiration will come and go and that's okay. That's a good motto to live by when it comes to writing goals and life goals and unexpected circumstances that change things. And even though you feel like you haven't produced, I look at your list of accomplishments and would disagree. You are always inspiring to me so thanks.

  3. Tracy, I can relate to having so many projects on the go that I'm never bored, but our similarity ends with your paragraph about your writing accomplishments just since January this year! Wow! I only wish..... Great post, an inspiration and as Bobbi noted, a reminder to take note of what we have done.

  4. Tracy, you are very productive. I often think to myself, 'If Tracy can do it and she's working full-time, then I can do it!" And preaching too!
    I'm like you - I love to have several projects on the go. the pressure works in my favour and I would be bored if I didn't have "too much" to do.


  5. I appreciate your summary, Tracy. "I've come to realize that seasons of inspiration will come and go and that's okay. Sometimes the best remedy for burn-out is to just let it be. That in itself can be inspiration enough." You are enough, my lady, and you do enough, in fact, I think you are over the top. (Enough reference accredited to Wayne Muller, who wrote the book, "a life of being, having, and doing enough.") It has taken me a long time to be learn some of these lessons. Thanks for this thought-provoking blog. May God bless the work you do, May we all learn to do the work God asks us to do and to do it for his honour and glory. Amen.


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