April 18, 2015

Stir Up the Gift in You by Linda Aleta Tame

Writing is something I want to do, long to do, but so many other things seem to take priority. Sound familiar?  Many writers share this lament. I read about it all the time. We think about it, groan about it and yes, we even write about it. Here's the irony; somehow, we make time to write about not having time to write!

If we repeatedly take the same action, we'll repeatedly have the same result, so we need to do something new, something different, something meaningful.  This will include unique strategies for each of us, ones that are fitted to our personal needs and goals, but here are a few ideas.

Something New - Do something you haven't done before.  It doesn't have to include skydiving, but it could.  I wanted to do that when I was younger, but riding a Vespa around the Tuscan countryside in Italy was a terrific alternative, and about as thrilling as I want to get at this stage of my life.  The ideas are endless.  Just do something new. It could be picking wildflowers in the country, roller blading or visiting an art gallery. It could be something you've wanted to do for a long time, but just never took the time to do. Maybe realizing a dream vacation could result in an incredible travel journal.

Something Different - Do something that is outside of your comfort zone. You might discover astonishingly new and noteworthy emotions, reactions and even physical sensations that you didn't know you had. Whether pleasant or uncomfortable, these could be just the motivators that would elevate writing to the priority status. Maybe you're a couch potato (I'm a recliner onion - think layers), so a nature hike would be completely foreign. Or maybe you're accustomed to a quiet, routine household. Throwing a party sounds way too chaotic for you; however, these new activities might provide enough idea kindling to spark a writing flame that won't be quenched.

Something Meaningful - Do something special for someone. This is a sure win for the hearts of givers and receivers. It could be as simple as a friendly over-the-fence chat with your neighbour or a thoughtful hand-written card delivered through snail mail.  If you like to create, then bake, sew, knit or paint something for someone.  Gestures like this, especially when repeated frequently, stir our own hearts, and we may not be able to resist recording the overflow of love.  When you share a genuine smile that says, "I really care about you," or deliver the same sentiment through your eyes, it influences you too.  From that place of sincere connection with others comes the most poignant and beautiful prose and poetry.

To generate more than just more pages of writing about our desire to write, we sometimes need to be enticed beyond our apathy.  We have limitless sources around us, and we need to "stir up the gift that is in us."  We need to "fan it into flame." 2 Timothy 1:6


  1. Linda, your suggestions are wonderfully doable! Skydiving? Nope. But visit an art gallery? Yes!

    I must say I enjoy your writing - the gentle irony (somehow, we make time to write about not having time to write!) and the design, for instance, your use of 3s (something new, something different, something meaningful). A good read!

  2. Hooray for recliner onions! No more excuses Linda, I get it! Great post

  3. I am guilty of making time to write about not having time (or desire) to write. In fact this month I couldn't even manage to pull off writing for this blog because I felt as stale as last weeks doughnut and felt completely hypocritical writing about freshness. Just this week I was challenged by someone to take the initiative and try something different, so this was a very timely blog for me. I think I'll be referring back to it more than once.

  4. The recliner onions had me as well ... as did the phrase we need to be "enticed beyond our apathy.'
    Thanks for the post :)

  5. Thanks for this charge--to stop writing about not having time to write, to plan some strategies for inspiration and to just start writing. Excellent words. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for fanning the flame of this writer. I too liked your suggestions in three suggestions, which makes such a basic but effective structure to your work. I want to remember or refer back to this: something new, something different, something meaningful. Amen!


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