April 16, 2015

Spring - by Loretta Bouillon

Spring is time for new beginnings and is an opportunity to start fresh. That all sounds good in theory, however, how can I apply this to my writing?

Let me be very honest with you. For lack of a better term, I have been experiencing a type of writer’s block. Normally, I tend to write about what’s happening around me with my family. If I do actually sit down to work on my novel (which is forever in process), life must be running relatively smoothly so I can focus. For the past few months, there have been some challenges in my life.  Other than  journaling, I am not motivated or inspired to write about those things. This is partly because it is too personal and partly because I think, “who wants to read about my struggles?”  Through this season, I have been learning that it’s okay to lay down the “important” writing projects with the perspective that writing is sometimes just between me and God. For my eyes only, and for His. I journal the process as a sort of therapy and prayer.

Although I will continue doing this, I have made a decision. I am going to try a new kind of therapy. I am still going to write about the world around me but I am also going to try something new. I have made a list of things I am going to write about “just because” and for no particular reason. Happy things. Intentional things. Meaningful to me things. My list goes something like this:

  • My garden
  • My greenhouse
  • My most favourite places on my property to enjoy my afternoon coffee
  • Outdoor aquafit
  • My dogs
  • My horses
  • A new recipe
  • A road trip alone
  • Sitting by the river
  • A walk through a meadow

I might blog about these things, write them as a devotion to God or maybe even try my hand at poetry; but I have a list! A random list of seasonal topics that I will just have fun with. I am actually getting excited thinking about the challenge as I type this post J.  Hmmn….it  might even be an idea to do this at the beginning of every season?



  1. There is a bit of a theme running through the last few blogs. I love the line, "it's okay to lay down the 'important' writing projects..." Many of us are feeling stretched. What is truly inspiring about your post, though, is the notion to make a list of random things to write about for no other reason than the joy of writing. It inspires me to do the same. Thanks!!!

  2. Oh good luck in coping with that - I can get writer's block - sometimes for weeks on end :)

  3. Thanks for your inspiring post Loretta! I'm making my list right now. You nailed it with "it's okay to lay down the 'important' writing projects..." Sometimes they're just so intense that I avoid them. I love the idea of writing about the happy things, and they're important too! Just in a different way. Blessings to you!

  4. I can relate to that intense W.I.P. I have one that I tackle for a few months, then have to let it lie dormant for a season or two until God gives me the desire to return to it. In the interim, other works are started, even completed and sent on their way. But that one can only be approached when God says to. Maybe yours is the same, Loretta. I wonder if we need to process bit by bit, and then let that settle? Is that okay? I think so. Your list is such a gentle, hopeful plan in the interim. I love it!

  5. Anonymous3:31 am GMT-7

    I do love your list. And have experienced when God wanted me to just write for Him through journaling and prayers. Maybe our non-writing time can be considered as part of the process to reflect and grow within to eventually pen again?

  6. What a great list. I have done road trips alone, even tented alone, once. Wonderful time for thinking. Every item on your list has the potential to kick-start the writing gear. Sometimes we need to just stand still and see the salvation of the Lord.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thank you all for taking the time to comment. It is always such an encouragement!

  8. Loretta,
    I pray for your heart--that as you write about happy, intentional things you will find the healing to help you process (and eventually write about) the difficult things too.

  9. Loretta, I think that's a great idea to have a list of happy things to write about, like you said. Sometimes we need that to look forward to. I might have to try this too!

  10. We all have times when we're in the valley. May God's rod and his staff comfort you and give you peace. May you grow emotionally and spiritually as you pour out your psalms to the Lord in your journal.


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