April 21, 2015

Does Atticism mean from the Attic? ..... Jocelyn Faire

There is a time for every Writing activity under heaven.
A time to write and a time to refrain from writing,
A time to read and a time to close the book, 
to read the world at large,
A time to listen, and a time to Be still and know that I am God
A time to try harder and a time to cease striving
A time for antonyms and a time for synonyms
A time for atticism and a time for simplicity
A time for writers argot and a time for common lingo
A time for questions, and a time for answers
A time for conundrums, and a time for the ho-hums
A time for letters and a time for numbers
A time for wide awake and a time for slumbers
There is a time to hold, and a time to be held
And a time to behold our God.
At times the words come slowly, at times like a rush
In season and out of season we ponder, and
There is a time to write, to right the confusion of life's ups and downs.    

When I find the season dry or when I try too hard,  I need to spend a time on soul refreshment ... usually in the form of Beauty.

Much of the stress and emptiness that haunts us can be traced back to our lack of attention to beauty. Internally, the mind becomes coarse and dull if it remains unvisited by images and thoughts which hold the radiance of beauty.
(Beauty: The Invisible Embrace—John O'Donohue)

Think of creativity as a spark, it needs a large stockpile of experience to ignite. If you do not open yourself up to life, then your creativity will just be a flash, and never a real fire.* (unknown)
* from the book 1001 Ways to Creativity by Arcturus Publishing 2013 

1. concise and elegant expression, diction, or the like.
2. the style or idiom of Attic Greek occurring in another dialect or language.
\AHR-goh, -guht\noun
1. the special vocabulary and idiom of a particular profession or social group: sociologists' argot.
2. a specialized idiomatic vocabulary peculiar to a particular class or group of people, especially that of an underworld group, devised for private communication and identification

Jocelyn is the author of Who is Talking out of My Head? Grief as an out of Body Experience
She blogs at:  http://whoistalking.wordpress.com


  1. Thank you for 'argot'! I've needed that word for ages. What a beautiful version of Solomon's writing in Ecclesiastes, Jocelyn. I know it makes God smile. Now, to remember this wisdom. Yes, a time for... !

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with Bobbi! What a beautiful version of Solomon's writing! May we take comfort that writing ebbs and flows through seasons, moving even when pen is not taken to paper.

  3. Fabulous poem, Jocelyn. I love how you took the words in Ecclesiastes and related them to us as writers. And I'm always looking for new words, especially ones related to language and now I've learned two: atticism and argot. Excellent. Thanks for this post. It makes me happy.

  4. Loved this take on Ecclesiastes! (As well as the other wonderful quotes!)

  5. Ahhhh... (that is a deep sigh of contentment) This post is a wonderful reminder to live in the rhythm of God's timing, not our own. Thanks you!

  6. I am sighing with Marnie. This poem refreshed my soul and reminded me that God's timing is perfect so I don't need to strive to make things work in time. Thank you Jocelyn.

  7. I fully agree with the rest of ya's...what an amazing writers rendition of Ecclesiastes. This spoke volumes. Thank you Jocelyn.

  8. I fully agree with the rest of ya's...what an amazing writers rendition of Ecclesiastes. This spoke volumes. Thank you Jocelyn.

  9. Lovely, Jocelyn. This is definitely to be read with a smile. I started picking out favourite lines, but there were too many to put down. Then I just say, All of it, Jocelyn. All of it. This could be a theme poem for all of us.

    Okay, one overriding thought gives a message that touches me especially right now:
    "There is a time to hold, and a time to be held
    And a time to behold our God."

  10. Thank you all for the encouraging comments ... yes a time to be held ... and a time to write :0


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