February 06, 2014

Why Didn't I Think of That? by Glynis M. Belec

If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal...

So what You are saying, Lord, is that you are not interested in my highfalutin fancy speaking ways?  All that does is draw attention to me and takes the glory away from You? What a dope I am. All I have to do is be still and think. I have to stop looking in the mirror less and start looking at Your Word more. Laying a foundation of love is the beginning. It creates harmony and dulls the clanging. Why didn't I think of that? 

And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 

I thought if I studied hard and learned all about the cool stuff, helped crack the code on the mysteries of the faith and showed everyone how brilliant my faith is, then You would like that. But You say - no. You would rather I appreciate, emulate and disseminate the love you have placed in my heart. So in other words, God, You are telling me to stop talking about it and go help my neighbour? Why didn't I think of that?

If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing.

So downsizing, getting rid of all my dust collectors and going on mission trips because I think it is a good thing to do is not gonna' get me any brownie points, You say, God? I can talk a good talk and impress everyone with my great sacrifices all I want, but really, it's all about the motivation of my heart. Is it about me or is it about Thee? Thanks for making me think, Lord.

Love is patient; 
Forgive me for the last time I prayed in earnest about that article getting accepted and then was slightly ticked off because I didn't get my way.

Love is kind; 
So what if I was going to be thrown off my precious schedule? I should have stopped in that day to see her. I tried to justify my unkind behaviour. But You reminded me.

Love is not envious or boastful or arrogant or rude

Why do I feel the need to tell someone that I 'did good.' The main thing is that You know that I 'did good.' If I am bragging, I'm not loving anyone else except myself and that isn't what You've been teaching me lately, is it, Lord? I'm a slow learner, but I am starting to get it. 

It does not insist on its own way; 

I'm starting to see why you don't always answer my prayers in the way I initially thought that You should answer them. I'm trying to get my head around that. 

It [love] is not irritable or resentful;

Lord that is a tough one especially when I see other Christians getting a better deal than You give me. Or when I see fellow writers getting a break and I don't. I want to write full time but there are obstacles. I sometimes get grumpy because I want something different.  I'm working on that, too, Lord. 

It [love] does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 

No matter what the world says, I need to test it all with Your amazing Word. That's where I will find the truth. Love grows when I speak truth. That cliché, 'love will set you free' is actually pretty wise when I think about what it means to be free in Christ. 

It [love] bears all things, 
When I was sick I thought I couldn't make it - then you sent all sorts of people to love on me. I made it. 

[Love] believes all things, 

This doesn't mean I need to be a sucker for false preachers or prowling lions. right, God? I believe because I have faith. I believe in You, God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in You, Jesus Christ. You were conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

[Love] hopes all things, 

I find that when that man you blessed me with almost 36 years ago, and I talk civilly and respectfully to one another our hope meters coordinate. Because we hope together; because we love each other; because we remember that Your love is what has kept our heads above water - hope floats. 

[Love] endures all things.

Remember those times I wanted to give up? Your promise to never leave me nor forsake me helped me to endure.  I was thankful for the kindness of some very good friends. Through them, You pressed upon my heart to find ways to pay it forward. So I did and again, it took the focus of me, and made me wish I would have thought of that idea. It's priceless - just like your enduring love for me! 

Love never ends.

Sometimes people call me a drama queen. I've been accused of being like the Energizer Bunny who keeps going and going and going. But I'm noticing lately that my body can't do the things my brain would like it to do - the mind is willing but the flesh is weak? My life is going to end one day - did I mention, Lord, that I am in no hurry for that to happen, but the good thing is, I know you love will never run out of batteries. 

But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end.

My chatter will one day cease. But your love for me will not. That gives me a good reason to rise and shine each morning. 

 And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three

When I get up tomorrow morning, I'm going to think about choices. I can moan and complain or I can dance with joy. Oh, God, you know I can find plenty to moan about but I know You are teaching me some great faith lessons here so I am going to opt for door number 2 and I am going to do my very best to show that abiding love to whomever I encounter in my day.  

And the greatest of these is LOVE.

For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish but shall have everlasting life John 3:16

Thanks, God, for the reminder and for the love letter...


  1. Talk about confirmation! Quick story here.

    For over 3 yrs I've wanted to explain to someone in my circle how they're putting people off with their behavior. Yesterday another situation arose, and once again I was steaming with all the things I wanted to say.

    This morning I was thinking the same thing, but I realized there was a difference. Up until last night I wanted to lecture them, and put them in their place. This morning, I want to help them understand, help them grow a bit in this area. Suddenly my motivation has shifted (has to be a God change!) and my feelings about it are kind, not annoyed; gentle, not frustrated; loving, not angry.

    And now I don't feel like I have so much to say. If I say it in love, the conversation will apparently be a lot shorter than if I said it in anger!

    Everything you've written in this post confirms it for me, and encourages me in knowing something's shifted in my heart, in my motivation.

    Now I will wait on the Lord for his words, his timing. And perhaps there will be no conversation at all. Perhaps all this is for my learning, and not theirs. (Our God does that sort of thing, doesn't he?)

    Thx for the post, Glynis.

  2. Glynis,
    What an amazing post. I read every single word and I am a skimmer. Down to earth reality - that's what this is.
    I think you should take each section and post each one separately to Facebook throughout the rest of the month with a link back here.
    If you don't - I will. Please email me.
    This is better than the "love letter" that is famous on the internet.
    Blessings to you as you find joy in Him every moment,
    Janis www.janiscox.com

  3. I loved this post Glynis. It was humorous but thought provoking, too. Well done

  4. So very well thought out, prayed through, written for our benefit and your own, Glynis. A great devo for my morning. Thanks.

  5. Bobbi, Jan, Tracy and Sharon - thanks for that bit of lovin'. God is amazing what he puts on our hearts. I wasn't setting out to write on this - in fact as I pressed 'post' I felt a little bad that the focus wasn't more on writing, but when I felt pressed to press post, I think I muttered 'here we go, God. Thanks.'

    Bobbi - oh how I love this incredibly TRUE statement you made in your comments: <<>> We are so busy spouting forth great wisdom [so we think] and then God slaps us back to reality with His Word that says stuff like 'Be Still..listen...ponder in your hearts...be slow to speak...and then the big Whammy - Love others as I have loved you! Sheesh...lessons in every breath, huh?

  6. Sorry, Bobbi, your great quote I mentioned didn't get posted. It won't cut and paste so I have retyped it. Not sure what happened...but this is what I was referring to: "And now I don't feel like I have so much to say. If I say it in love, the conversation will apparently be a lot shorter than if I said it in anger"

  7. Wonderful! Great encouragement to all.

  8. Glynis, thanks for sharing what God's been saying to your heart. When we take time to really listen to what He's saying instead of just rushing on to the next sentence, He nurtures and teaches us, reaching out to us exactly where we're at. I appreciate you :)

  9. Thank you Glynis. Love floats. I love that! (and the rest of your thoughts too).

    Pam Mytroen


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