February 03, 2014

Are You Hungry for God? by Janis Cox

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be filled (Matthew 5:6, NIV).
You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat (Matthew 5:6, The Message).

I believe God has a plan for redemption for each of us. I believe He uses circumstances to reveal Himself.

But I know too that only when we are empty - and ready to receive - will He indwell in us.

We can write our faith stories. People will read them. They can be touched by our words. But it takes God to fill us up.

Through our asking, God puts His process in motion, creating something in us that was non-existent until we asked (Oswald Chambers, December 17). 

The truth of redemption - that is what will fill us up.
It is never sharing of personal experiences that saves people, but the truth of redemption (Oswald Chambers, December 17). 

But don't stop telling your stories. They are a part of God's plan. They need to be heard so others can know to make the choice to ask, "Jesus, please fill me up."

Come to Me [Jesus] with your gaping emptiness, knowing that in Me you are complete (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young).


Father, no matter where we are in our faith journey, I know you have the Plan. Continue to lead and guide us, to our emptiness where we can be filled with Jesus. In His Name. AMEN


  1. thanks for your thoughtful post janis

  2. Thanks to you too Tracy,

  3. I've notice before how you and I both love to delve into Oswald Chambers writings in My Utmost for His Highest.

    Recently I've been reading and rereading The Beatitudes as paraphrased in the The Message by Eugene. (Matt. 5:3-10)

    I hope to share a few thoughts from this in my upcoming blog.


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