February 01, 2014

The Many Layers of Love by Sandi Somers

This month’s prompt, on love, is one of the broadest prompts I have ever attempted.

Love’s meanings are like a multi-layered cake. We say we love God, we love our spouses, our family members and friends. We love our cats and dogs. We love chocolate, a walk in the morning, a beautiful piece of music. We give and receive love through a touch, a smile, or through spending quality time with others. Especially we think of love in February as we celebrate Valentine’s Day.

As I thought about this prompt, a new layer of meaning emerged for me. I have a daily “morning prayer” as I begin writing. I ask God to infuse my thinking and my words. I pray that God will meet the needs of my readers and encourage them in their faith walk. Now I began praying that God through His Spirit will fill my readers with His love so that they will return His love and be able to love others more deeply. God is faithful and will answer in ways I cannot imagine.

Now over to you. Where does this month’s prompt take you? How is one of love’s layers a touchstone in your writing?


  1. Sandi, your thoughts remind me of the biggest truth of all. We love, because He first loved us.

    From chocolate to children, without our Lord's love, we wouldn't even know what love is.

    Thx for bringing this to mind. :)

  2. Welcome, Sandi, as our newest contributor here on InScribe Writers Online.

    We are so looking forward to your thoughtful and inspiring meditations as you post on the first day of each month during the coming year.

    What captures my own heart from your posting today is your prayer asking God to fill your readers 'with His love so that they will return His love and be able to love others more deeply'.

    I'm reminded of something Mother Teresa once said, “I'm a little pencil in the hand of a writing God, who is sending a love letter to the world.”

    Thanks so much for sharing.

    Blog Moderator

  3. Welcome Sandi! I enjoyed your love message this morning, especially the idea of layers. It's so true. So much could be said, but we'll never really say all there is to say about love. Thus, it's a perfect writers' resource!

    Blessings to you,

  4. Sandi,
    Wonderful to meet you as an #ICwriters. I love the way you pray for God to fill you so you can fill others. That is what I like to do too. Encouragement in our reading, writing and living for Jesus.
    Janis www.janiscox.com

  5. I love what Bobbi said in response to your post. Well done. Also, it is nice to see your smiling face here!

  6. Thanks for setting the pace for those of us who follow you on InScribe Writers Online. I like your simile of love's meanings being like a multi-layered cake. We are too quick to say, I just love your dress, a hairdo, a notebook, whatever. God's love, thankfully, goes way deeper and way higher than that kind of love. We cannot be just “material people.”


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