February 14, 2014

Enough Love for the Day by Pamela Mytroen

Carissa’s jaw dropped as she sat before the computer for their monthly online meeting.  Leslie was at it again, jabbing Carissa with little poisonous darts, trying to bring her down.

 “I’ve talked with several of you,” said Leslie, “and we all agree that management should conduct a review on Carissa’s marketing initiatives. I’m sure it’s all good.”  She brushed her bangs from her eyes. “But her accounts are not moving forward.”

Carissa felt her face flush. “We’re in sales right now. A review will mean costly downtime. We could lose clients.”

“But I’ve heard rumours,” argued Leslie. “Customers are talking.” 

The line was quiet, and of the faces she could see online, most averted their eyes.

“I’m trying new ideas,” suggested Carissa quietly. “We just need to give it some time before we evaluate.”

“I’ll line up a review committee,” said her supervisor. “Thanks for your input, Leslie.”

Carissa felt like stabbing Leslie. If there were indeed rumours, they were the ones Leslie had started. This wasn’t the first time. Maybe she was jealous of the attention Carissa’s marketing campaigns were gaining. The tall bony girl had swaying powers and the naive ear of the supervisor.

She couldn’t fall asleep that night. What would she say the next day? She knew she needed to forgive Leslie. Like that was ever going to happen.

While starting her car the next morning Carissa finally surrendered a prayer. “Lord, help me love Leslie. I can’t do it in my own. P.S. I don’t want to love her.”

A series of red lights dragged Carissa’s mood down.  She slapped the wheel. On her right was a “Bean There” drive-thru espresso and cappuccino bar. A new thought  splashed into her burning heart like cooling rain.

Carissa made a right turn, joined the caffeine-desperate line-up, and ordered the plain black espresso Leslie raved about. Hope warmed her when she set the steaming beverage in the cup-holder.

When Carissa walked into the office, the chatting died. Several co-workers gathered around Leslie’s desk dropped their heads or looked away.  

 “Bean There”? You starting something new Carissa?” asked Leslie, with a sugary smile.  

Carissa took a deep breath. “Yeah, as a matter of fact, I am.” She gave the steaming coffee to Leslie. “For you.”

Leslie’s eye-brows shot up. She shrugged at the other girls. “My favourite,” she said, removing the lid.   

Carissa bit her lip to stop a gush of tears. “Have a good day, Les.” She felt several eyes on her as she walked to her cubicle. But she also noticed the lightness in her step. Forgiveness had washed away the anger. She looked back at Leslie, sipping her coffee, alone. She wasn’t expecting miracles. Leslie would probably throw another dart her way, but for now she was grateful. God had filled her with more than enough love for today.
by Pamela Mytroen


  1. Great show, not tell, Pam!

    Your story accurately describes the reality of a betrayed heart, even a Christian's heart.

    A person who's been wronged feels a deep need to take action. God's action creates a potential win-win situation. I know this, but I tend to forget it, too, when I feel I've been wronged. Thanks for the reminder!

  2. Thanks Bobbi, we all get hurt from time to time and thankfully God gives us the strength to forgive when we just don't have it in us.

  3. So enjoyed your story, Pam.

    Really liked the last line about God filling her with more than enough love for today.

    I've found that to be true in my own life when I choose to let go of the hurt and let His love flow through me, even when I don't want to.

    It's a choice, isn't it?

    Thanks Pam!

  4. Great story.
    It is a choice to let go and forgive. I have had to do it a number of times. But the peace that comes in my heart makes it easier and easier to let go and give it to God.
    Janis www.janiscox.com

  5. harboring unforgiveness only hurts you in the end

  6. Yes, Brenda and Janis, you're right that it's a choice. I don't know why we put it off so long when God gives us the forgiveness we need to give to others! And He never runs out of it.

  7. Hi Tracy,
    I agree. We nurse that grudge and it just grows and makes us more miserable instead of surrendering to God.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Yes!!!!! You chose gratefulness instead of bitterness. Follows exactly what I'm reading in the book, "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp. God always wants grateful hearts.

  10. Delightful story Pam:
    Delightfully written also, a pleasure to read its flowing dialog and impromptus.
    But to live free of anger and resentment in a provocative world provides the greater joy as you have so ably demonstrated.
    I'll share that Been There with you next time we meet!

  11. What a well-written story, Pam. I "love" what has come through from InScribe Writers Online, especially this month. The variety has been amazing, but we don't often get fiction on the blog, so this added a new dimension. Thanks for providing us some well-imagined fiction.

    For the reminder about forgiving others who are not so kind--thanks for that too.

  12. Thanks Bryan and Sharon. You are very encouraging! I have enjoyed the variety this month, too, Sharon. There's always so much good reading on here!


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