April 29, 2024

A Preponderance of Ps by Bob Jones

This piece is presented on April 29th as a result of a profound amount of procrastination. I’m 21 days late because I put off pressing the publish button. That was a product of being a perfectionist. 



When I failed at crafting the perfect post, I postponed long enough that I completely failed to perform. I could proffer excusing my faux pas because I was preoccupied with preparation for a prolonged trip to Ukraine but I’ll pass on that proposition. 


On April 9th I was a guest professor in a seminary class in Lviv, Ukraine, teaching Pentecostal History. Surprise! I received a polite reminder from Wendy MacDonald about my missing post for April 8th. 


There was utter pandemonium in my thinking as my perfectionist personality wanted to throttle the procrastinator in me.


PhD kind of experts offer a perspicacious perspective: procrastination is really an avoidance of perceived future pain. There is a high probability that this quality is proliferate among creative perfectionists like those who populate this blog. If that’s your position, start before you're ready. 


As a plus, plan something pleasant as a panacea to persist in completing your project.


And one more “p”. 


Palindromes are numbers or words that read the same backwards and forwards like racecar, madam, 2020 or… Bob.


I am off to have a piece of pecan pie as a prize for persevering.


It was my pleasure to have you read this pithy post. Please point out "p" words I could have put in.


Read more of Bob's pieces at REVwords.


  1. Thank you, Bob, for your faithfulness to this blog. I figured you must have been in a war zone or the hospital to have missed your blog date. So glad you're okay.
    I hope each blogger ponders and treasures the wisdom in the following words of yours ( I know I need to and will): "There is a high probability that this quality is proliferate among creative perfectionists like those who populate this blog. If that’s your position, start before you're ready."
    Some of my best work happens when I show up despite a lack of self confidence. Our creative side can thrive when we least expect it to.

  2. Bob Jonez8:58 am GMT-7

    Thank you Wendy for understanding and helping me out!

  3. Hi Bob! I am pleasantly pleased to see you put pen to paper and give us a message to ponder. I am pleased as punch to peruse the perceptive product of such a pal who procrastinated in his perfectionistic manner.

    1. Perfected prose, Alan!

  4. Yay! I loved this clever post, Bob! it needed to be read aloud to enjoy all the alliteration!

    1. Anything to bring a smile to your face, Tracy.

  5. A pleasing plethora, particularily playful. ‘Props’ to you.

    1. Bob Jones7:57 pm GMT-7

      Pleased by your pleasant point.

  6. Valerie Ronald7:47 pm GMT-7

    A pleasing passtime it was to play back aloud your P post to my partner. Pursing my lips on all those P's, however, problematically plastered my iPad profusely. Pardon me.

    1. Bob Jones8:01 pm GMT-7

      Pow! Prizewinning profundity!

  7. I prized your perfectionist picture on your proposed post April 8 (a woman cutting grass with scissors). It reminded me of a former next-door neighbour who did just that as she trimmed her lawn next to the sidewalk. So proud of you to persevere in praying and promoting peace in Ukraine. Love your twice-weekly posts.

    1. Bob Jones5:25 pm GMT-7

      Sandi, I did the same thing with the edges of our lawn by our garden. I'll have to figure out how to use that story in a later post.

  8. This post presents a proliferation of P's, Bob! I didn't feel too bad about missing my P post last month when I noticed you hadn't done yours either... :(


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