April 02, 2024

Past Experiences ~ by Brenda J. Wood

The nosiest neighbour ever, lived across the way from me. He trained his binoculars on our kitchen window and then gossiped everything possible with the neighbours.

He made the mistake of telling me what he was up to and I immediately put up a blind. I never opened it. Ever. 

This week I noticed how dark the kitchen was. I thought about that blind. Surely, I could open it now. After all, that neighbour died fifteen years ago! Light poured in. 

Let’s shed a little light on our past, folks. Let’s lift our blinds on what used to be, because used to be is experience captured. We are stronger than we think. Gumption comes with maturity (otherwise called old!)

Read and circle everything that you came through. Total them up:

bad childhood    broken engagement    war    afraid    lonely     grief    financial difficulty  difficult parents    orphan    widow(er)    separation     divorce    childhood diseases

long work hours    unemployed      surgeries     cancer     homeless    government stuff spending too much    saved too much    missed a holiday    seniors home   poor choices    faith   no faith     thoughtless children     old    young    pain     lost career    retired   

Impressive, isn’t it. What words did I miss? Add them. Take stock of where you came from and make a firm decision to move forward, experience in hand, because we are now experts in living!

History says we are survivors! This season of our lives is nothing but more of the same, only longer. Just because things aren’t going the way we want, that doesn’t mean they aren’t going the way they should.

As an expert, we have certain responsibilities. A true expert shares what they know. They are humble in attitude and behavior. They show respect to others. They do not place themselves at the head of the table and rule the rest of us with their secrets.  (Luke 14:10)

Over time we learn not to trust those ‘experts’ who have lots of knowledge but no life experience.  

We keep not silent. It is not our way. So today I ask you where you are an expert. Should you be writing about your expertise about child care, filling empty hours or even basic home cooking?

Should you tell your neighbour how to get rid of that center seam in her quilt? Where to buy the best bologna? How to stay alive and even thrive in a pandemic?

Tell folks in every way possible. Write it. Talk it. Whisper it. Your expertise must be passed on; otherwise, you are no expert. You are a dog in the manger hoarding your little bits so that others must revere you and beg for your truths. 

That is why we write. We share all we’ve learned for the better good. Let your words speak boldly into other people’s futures

See you next time, fellow experts!

Brenda J. Wood has authored more than fifty books. She is a seasoned motivational speaker, who declares the Word of God with wisdom, humour, and common sense.


  1. Michelle Strutzenberger7:25 am GMT-7

    Thanks Brenda! Yes, we all have expertise in some corner of life. Sometimes, I get tempted to tell someone else's story. I want to share "wisdom" about something that I really don't have experience with. Your post encourages me to focus on the unique story and "expertise" God has given me. Bless you.

    1. Thank you, kindly for your comments

  2. Thank you, dear Brenda, for always making us think and smile.

    1. Anonymous9:04 am GMT-7

      This is inspiring Brenda. Thank you.

  3. What an exceptional post, Brenda. It certainly made me think...

  4. Always, you bless my heart how is your back???

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words.

  5. Thank you for your words, Brenda. I love the whole thing! These two short lines drew my attention, "We keep not silent. It is not our way." I never considered myself in anything but I have gleaned a lot of experience and knowledge from people over the years. I share with great joy when the opportunity arises. People seem to seek me out. Recently a scientist I know asked to meet with me as he processes the death of a loved one. With great gladness and thanks to God I will pass on what I know to him, but first I listen. Blessings to you, Brenda.

  6. Thank you Brenda for these wise words. Yes, it is important for us to "share all we’ve learned for the better good. Let your words speak boldly into other people’s futures."

  7. Thank you, Brenda. You have me thinking about the "expertise" I'd like to pass along. Life's experiences are valuable and we can share them with others. Thanks for the encouragement.

  8. Thanks for your no nonsense wisdom with a touch of whimsy! Love it!

  9. Expert In Living. I think I'll put that on my resume. Thanks for a wonderfully inspiring post, Brenda. Loved it!


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