April 01, 2024

P is for Praying Writers ~ by Wendy L. Macdonald



By day the LORD directs his love,

at night his song is with me—

a prayer to the God of my life.

Psalm 42:8 NIV

For years I’ve prayed for God’s will to be done in my writing. Often, I learn His will the long way. (Saying the hard way doesn’t work for me because God can use all things for good.)

Recently I shared with someone that my mental health suffers when I spend much time on social media. I also said I was tempted to give up pursuing getting traditionally published. My honesty was appreciated and my contract with that person was terminated. 

A mix of grief and relief overwhelmed my thoughts for a few days. Eventually, relief took full reign. 

My goal of getting traditionally published was obviously not God’s goal for the moment. But He knew I needed to learn the long way. Being a highly sensitive person and pursuing a book contract don’t go well together for me. Now I know. 

My writing isn’t terrible, but I’m terrible at being fully engaged with social media. I love a quiet and creative life. And even though I love my Facebook page community, I needed to cut back there too so that joy was still present.

Self-publishing (or a small traditional publishing contract) may be in my future. I’m praying about that now. In the meantime, I’m making room for my sensitive side to flourish. One step I’ve taken is to give my notice of no longer administrating this blog. I’ll stay until the end of November at the latest. (Please join me in praying for someone suitable to step up to this wonderful opportunity to draw closer to fellow InScribers. You all are awesome writers, and I’ve learned so much from you.)

A praying writer trusts that God knows best. His ways are best. And even if we must wander in the wilderness for awhile, we don’t wander alone. He is present. He is training us. He is good no matter how long the journey is. 

Prayerful blessings.

Wendy L. Macdonald is an inspirational blogger and YouTuber who loves to photograph nature on Vancouver Island. Her happy place is making junk journals to sell in her Etsy shop. Her byline is: “My faith is not shallow because I’ve been rescued from the deep.”     


  1. Michelle Strutzenberger5:57 am GMT-7

    Bless you for your honesty, Wendy. It takes tremendous courage to be vulnerable. Thank you also for your courage in stepping into what you know is best for you. This inspires me to be alert to ensuring I am being wise about how I set up my writing goals and projects. Blessings.

    1. Thank you, dear Michelle. Vulernability is both humbling and rewarding. The peace I'm gaining is worth the hit to my ego. God knows what is best for us.

  2. Thank you for this post, Wendy, and for encouraging us to be honest with ourselves and God, to listen to His voice as He shows us the best path. Love your perspective of the long way rather than the hard way. This post has been a blessing this morning. May you be blessed as well.

    1. Thank you, dear Sharon. It's a challenge for busy minds to stop leaning on our own understanding and listen for the "best path" He has for us. But even in this He gives us a gracious hand. How good is that?

  3. You have been so encouraging throughout your time as this blog's administrator and you brought a new, fresh sense of life with your ideas for pursuing an alphabetical theme. It's been wonderful. I appreciate your need to step away and seek God's best for you at this time. I know He will nudge just the right person to step up, just like He did when you took over from me, and long before that when I took the reins from Brenda Leyland, who started this blog. :) Many blessings.

    1. Thank you, dear Tracy. You're a wonderful teacher and encourager. I hope I help the new person transition into this role as well as you helped me.

    2. Tracy, just wanted to pop in to clarify something. Although I was the blog moderator for this blog for several years (and loved it), I took over from former member Bonnie Way in 2011. I think it was Elsie Montgomery who was the original moderator when the blog started in 2006.

  4. Alan Anderson3:30 pm GMT-7

    Dear Wendy, I am hugging every word of this poignant post. I hear you loud and clear and love your honesty. Your message speaks into my present stage in life. So many changes. Thank you for all you do for our blog. Oh my, I hope we don't lose touch. I know this sounds sappy, I appreciate you and your ministry so much. Blessings and hugs my dear friend.

    1. Thank you, dear Alan, for always being an encouragement to the InScribe team. Your posts and your comments are part of what make this blog so rewarding to be a part of. I hope to contribute an occasional guest post. I'm excited to see what fresh ideas the next administrator will impart. There's so much potential in this site. It's time for a fresh vision from someone led to lead us into 2025.
      Blessings, my brother.

  5. Thank you so much for your honesty and vulnerability in writing this post. Being our moderator requires a lot of work, and. I've appreciated your commitment in maintaining it every day. You've been a blessing to us with your alphabet theme--such a wonderful idea, as it motivates us to use our own creativity. I hope you'll continue writing for us once a month--or at least occasionally. I know God will bless you in your future endeavours. In the meantime, take care and rest in God's other plans for you.

    1. Thank you, dear Sandi. Moderating this blog was rewarding and a great way to contribute to InScribe while remaining behind the scenes. Tracy was so gracious in how she showed me the ropes. I hope to do the same for the new person. There's lots of room for more creative ideas too.

  6. Valerie Ronald10:02 am GMT-7

    Dearest Wendy, although I fully understand your reasons for stepping away from being our blog moderator, I am also sad about it! Knowing each day would start with fresh inspiration from a fellow InScriber and an encouraging comment from you is something I look forward to. I will miss your constant presence and guidance. I'm glad you are making room for your sensitive side to flourish. We all do better when we focus on how God has made us to be in the writing life. When we know that, then we can so no to what doesn't work for us without guilt. I look forward to seeing how you flourish in your future endeavors. Blessings, my friend!

    1. Thank you, dear Valerie. I look forward to being an occasional guest blogger for InScribe.


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